Divide and Conquer v5 Enedwaith Faction Overview

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0:00 Intro


16 thoughts on “Divide and Conquer v5 Enedwaith Faction Overview”

  1. I prefer the previous incarnation of Enedwaith to this roster. This one feels more "realistic" in that they have more standard units and don't lean as hard into their javelin gimmick. But to me DaC is about having a bunch of very distinct factions that go way too hard on their gimmicks.

  2. It is worth mentioning that schiltron is pretty decent at protecting flanks as even if your enemy attacks them head on, they wont get flanked from the side like a regular formation

  3. Gaelic and Brythonic names. Celtic isn't a language, and Gaelic and Brythonic are language families in the Celtic suprafamily; Goedelic languages include Irisih, Scottish, and Manx (and a ton of dead languages like Galwegian), and Brythonic (which also include many dead languages) are Welsh, Cornish, Breton, and some people in Scotland still speak Cumbrian. Some of the names appear to be Gaulish, but others are clearly Germanic. Gaelic names include Faolan (or Faollan), which is the nominative form of faol, which means 'wolf'. Some appear to be Finnish. But Bhaille (which should be spelled Baile or Baille) is Gaelic and is pronounced 'Balley'. It just means 'village', though no town or village has ever been called that. It's always qualified with an identifiar, like Balle na Cnoc (Ballyknock), 'Town of the Hill), or Baile na Loch (Ballylock), "Town of the Lake".

  4. I also prefer classic Enedwaith. I'd have preferred that instead of completely redesigning their roster in addition to the Athamor script, I wish the team just gave Enedwaith the Athamor script to help give them some progression. The new unit names and identity Enedwaith has is fantastic, but I wish they just renamed the old generic Enedwaith unit names to the new names (renaming the old Greyflood Raiders into Mordag Fisherman, for example). If I was on the mod team, I would've pushed for the ancient capital of Enedwaith's old empire to be Lond Daer instead of Tharbad. Tharbad already has the bridge that the Dunedain nations and Bree can rebuild, and I think that Gondor and Dol Amroth can build the Fiefdom Barracks there iirc. Add to the fact that it's the only northerly crossing point between Enedwaith and Eriador makes me think Tharbad has more than enough going on with it. By contrast, Lond Daer is massively overlooked. Apart from Enedwaith, the only factions that can do anything with Lond Daer are Gondor and Dol Amroth; iirc they can build the Fiefdom Barracks there, but otherwise there's nothing going on there. I think it's an underused settlement, especially since its the only named settlement in all of Enedwaith and Minhiriath, so making it the site of the Tir Croicoill would've given it a bit more love.

  5. Augimund I think the team deserves a hardy thanks.
    It's come a long way since the beginning.
    Last version I played was Vs 3.

    Alas several year's ago I uninstalled third age and cos it's been so long I've forgotten how to install it and DAC again.

    As for the faction overviews, I think you do a great job.
    A worthy successor to arachir.
    Very missed 😊👍

  6. Oh, and Ambaxtoi or Ambactoi is Gaulish (the singular term is Ambaktos). It technically means 'servants' or 'vassals', but the way the Celtic Gauls used it meant something more like 'companions'.or 'friends', and would eventually become the English word 'ambassador'. Among their other duties as a noble's bodyguards, they also spoke for them to people they considered of lower rank, hence the Latin term ambactus or ambaxtus, adopted after the conquest of Celtic northern Italy, and proto-Germanic ambathaz, which meant more directly 'a servant'. It went through a huge number of subsequent forms in many cultures, which makes sense when you consider that Celts sent ambassadors to pretty much everyone, and those were the Ambacktoi.

    Also, Donnchaidh is pronounced Don-kad. Also, that spelling is the patronymic form. It's typically spelled Donchadh. It can also, however, be Donncha, Donnacha, Donnchadha, Dúnchad,, and Donnchadh. So one could be Donnchad son of Donnchad, and that'd be Donnchadh mac Donnchaidh, since the latter name is the patronym. Dubhsithe should be pronounced as 'Dub-Shee', which means 'black spirits'.

  7. Early game Enedwaith is quite strong with it's fear inducing units: pair Dubshith Elders with Faolan Warriors (if they still have the fear effect), Druedain Archers (poison arrows=fear), possibly some wagons and charge enemy flank with your fast chaff, this breaks most of early game units almost instantly. Also, Druedain hunters aren't usually the first target for archers if you have javelin units in front, and I'd say they are good against wargs too, they can take out a lot of cav if they get charged. Also you can replenish the Druedain instantly en masse if you have just 1 max druedain hunter to get from a town, so you can get full stack of them from few men to full in a few turns, so if you are careful with them, you'll have a lot of those, one of my favourite early game archers for their cost effectiveness.


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