‘Walter Mitty of Canberra’: Chris Bowen ‘sticking his nose’ into people’s car choices

Sky News host Chris Kenny warns the federal government is “meddling” in people’s car choices as Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen “sticks his nose” into people’s choices.

The federal government revealed it will set minimum standards for manufacturers on fuel consumption and carbon emissions in vehicles they sell in Australia.

There are concerns the target of a 60 per cent emissions reduction in vehicles by 2030 may price popular four-by-fours and Utes out of the market.

The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard will only apply to new passenger and light commercial vehicles, not used or existing vehicles.

Mr Kenny said the “Walter Mitty of Canberra” continues to live in his “fantasy world” of saving the world by influencing people’s electricity supply, cooking and heating appliances, and cars.

“Oh dear, spending your money to make it more expensive for you to drive the car you want to drive, and they are forcing us to drive the cars they like, and they call that a saving, they call that a win for choice, and they pretend it’s saving the planet,” he said.

“These would be the same people who told you their trillion-dollar renewable energy experiment would lower your electricity bill by $275 a year.”


41 thoughts on “‘Walter Mitty of Canberra’: Chris Bowen ‘sticking his nose’ into people’s car choices”

  1. Whose Payroll is BULLSHIT BOWEN on. This lame excuse for an Australian has to be getting paid off by some one or maybe his minders in the WEF are pulling strings. It could NOT be ALBO directing him, he has neither the brains or the capability to do so!

  2. How the hell can we put up with these dickheads for another 18 months, just look at the damage they've caused in the first half of their term in office; what more could you expect from morons like, Bowen, Marles, Chalmers, Wong and Albosneezie everyone of them have failed their way to the top. NAME ME 'ONE' THING THEY'VE ACHIEVED SINCE COMING TO OFFICE, I bet nobody can come up with one item, we are being folded up like a deckchair and screwed from behind.

  3. Bowen must be trying to save the world whilst experimenting various laws in Australia.
    Listen here chuckles I'll buy and bloody car I feel like. Despite your dour view of Australians buying g cars you don't like, get over it. If you and your commie mates in Labor start telling us what we can buy, buddy you're out ! Ozzie's are very particular about our cars, we'll buy whatever we bloody like. If it's a big car to travel long distances (you wouldn't understand as you fly everywhere causing massive pollution), we will buy a big car. If we want to explore this great country then we'll buy a ute (duh), so don't lecture us as to what we can buy.
    Chuckles the demented, how about you investigate emissions cheating in cars coming from your native country, China ? They're not squeaky clean on standards, be it manufacturing using correct products, or falsifying a standard. Seriously, how naive is this government?

  4. They are just a bunch communist bullshiting arseholes. My diesel suv gets 6.5 ltrs per 100km on a trip, so piss off Bowan. I don’t believe any of your misleading bullshit.

  5. well the citizens of australia are not stupid, they will change their cars before the rules change, or find a suitable second hand vehicle just until the GOVT GETS VOTED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. For Christ sake everyone wake up.This all complete rubbish. WHO is the Government to tell us what we can drive, next we will be taxed on passing wind should it interfere with the environment. Nobody is going to tell me what car I can drive. Bowen, Albo and Wong need to be ousted as they are unhinged and not on this planet.

  7. Bowen is what is referred to in US politics as a "post turtle" which is defined thus ……"You know he didn't have the ability to get there himself, he has no idea how he got there or what he's doing, he has no natural ability to accomplish anything from there, and you can't help but wonder what idiot put him there. You can only pity him, for the injuries he'll receive when he falls from that post."

  8. In Australia top 3 selling vehicles are utes, yet we’re are electric utes?
    Also the utes available in world carrying/towing have range of 150km, this sounds ideal for farmers and tradies. Also paying $20k+ to save $1k a year makes perfect sense to Chris what about you?

  9. My Opinion – Chris – when walking about in wealthy Adelaide suburb why do I see Tesla's everywhere?

    You say Australians do not want electric cars – where have all these Tesla's come from? Are they all in a Hire Car Fleet?

    What I am seeing is different to what I am hearing from you!

    I have just visited a large regional South Australian Country Town and a very small South Australian Country Town – both have charging stations – is this a right-wing illusion?


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