Disrespectful Lieutenant Refuses To Identify Himself!!


32 thoughts on “Disrespectful Lieutenant Refuses To Identify Himself!!”

  1. They're all in League with each other
    Doing the right thing just isn't cool anymore. They all just want to protect each other so they can get away with breaking the laws and trashing the Constitution. The Constitution that they made an oath to protect and serve. They're all freaking idiots. Well a lot of them are not all.

  2. This means that most police department don't follow rules or laws and don't wanna be recorded. Makes me think they are ready to do whatever the powers that be say. Even if it's going against The Constitution. Let that sink in for a sec.

  3. They're so corrupt, they think we can't see that they won't even follow their own rules. So why would they follow the rules, the LAW, they swore to uphold? Simple, they won't follow the law. Which is why the police have become the enemy. 😮


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