Disney Parks Talk LIVE (November 1, 2022) – Here Comes Christmas and Mr. Toad

This week the crew will be discussing
* Christmas coming to the resorts
* The New Mr. Toad Popcorn Bucket
* Blizzard Beach getting a Frozen theme
* Festival of the Arts Returning Jan 13
* Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s recent comments no the parks
* And much more



1 thought on “Disney Parks Talk LIVE (November 1, 2022) – Here Comes Christmas and Mr. Toad”

  1. Kinda want to see more old Disney princesses shows like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White for example. We could have Snow White bonding with the prince and dwarfs while at the same time fixing up her father's kingdom after her stepmother's death. Meanwhile we can either see Aurora's childhood with the fairies or her getting uses to her life as princess and getting to know her parents.

    There are so many great stories that could be told with Ariel's family either by another show or a prequel film. She had 16 years with them. She must had had good memories with them.

    There were several books/comics that were based on Ariel with her sisters released not long after the original film along with the 1992 show. Show us more of the sisters' personalities, struggles, personal lives and their relationship with each other, with Ariel and their father. We see them mostly in Ariel's point of view so show us more of the sisters' point of view. Two sides of a story. Gives us the good, the bad and the emotional moments.

    Gives us more of bonding moments with this huge royal family as a whole.

    When did Ariel started to break away from the family to have her wild secret adventures and to show an interest in humanity? – More of Triton's struggles as juggling both roles as king and a single father.

    More of the family's reaction to learning about Ariel's secret life, her falling in love with a human, Eric killing Ursula and them ultimately decides to support Ariel's unusual dream. Shows more of Ariel's regretting hurting her family, making it up to them, understanding more how much mom's death affected the rest of the family and working to make everybody happy by combining both worlds together. Also, how the family remained close-knitted with each other.

    The family's relationship with both Triton and Melody.

    The sisters' own personal character developments.

    Where are all of these stories Disney? Why is a fan is thinking about this more and thoroughly than you?

    Did you know that Ariel's mom could had a darker fate? Peter David attempted to write Athena's story comic book titled Portrait of Life. Here, named Atlanta, she befriended a human artist named Duncan and posed for paintings. Triton allowed this, thinking that humans weren't so bad. However Kole, a rival artist, jealous of Duncan's success and talent, tries to kill him by letting loose an avalanche, but Atlanta, while pushing him out of the way, got crushed by the rocks herself. Enraged, Triton confronts Kole, terrifying him and falls off the cliff. Turning his anger to Duncan and ready to destroy him, the voice of Atlanta appears in the clouds asking Triton to spare him. Leaving with the unfinished painting of Duncan's, he returns to the sea to mourn. It is only through his children that he still continued on. The story went unproduced and rejected as a result of its dark tone. I kinda like that route better than the non-canon prequel. Triton is still a good dad throughout Ariel's childhood, it supports more that he and Ariel are both right and wrong about being good and bad humans out there and it gives mom a more tragic and worthy death sacrifice. What do you think?


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