New Rule Revealed! 'Favour of the Gods' for Chaos Knights…

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0:00 Intro
0:58 Chas Knights Giveaway
2:05 Favour of the Gods
5:11 Khorne
7:45 Slaanesh
9:48 Undivided


26 thoughts on “New Rule Revealed! 'Favour of the Gods' for Chaos Knights…”

  1. Here we see the spread of rules and counter rules, which inevitably get around to every single codex. Everyone get massive AP -> everyone gets 4++ -> everyone gets attacks ignoring invulns -> everyone gets invulns immune to any attack. Not to mention widespread -1dmg, transhuman/mini-transhuman, FNP against mortals, etc etc etc. 40k needs to get back to the fundamentals. By the time all these rules and counter-rules are factored in, you're basically down to "attack made, armor save rolled" anyways.

  2. Lol for almost two years I actually have been building a house where each knight follows a different God, with the tyrant being undivided.

    Being able to put actual powers based on the God could be fun.

  3. Subscribed and liked Facebook. Your channel is great and I am so excited for the chaos knights. Thanks for the give away. I'll complete the entry on May 1st and hope I win a box 🤞

  4. This is why I'm making a knights army as my first and most likely last army for 40k because of the amount of rules and power creepyou have to keep track of. At least this way I'm only having to remember like 5 to 8 models worth of rules.

  5. In case people were wondering, credible leakers have said that Auspex's idea of getting the tally based on killed model's wounds is 100% accurate, so your Tyrant can max it out by eating 15 guardsmen or 5 terminators

    Also, not gonna lie, I think people are vastly overestimating the Khornate Target point upgrade. It already exists in the codex, exactly as written as a relic, and it unplayable because knights are already really easily killed. It also turns off one unit's invulns twice at maximum (three times completely theoretically, as GW probably has a strat in the codex to max out a gift for a turn, but that's all conjecture) in melee, and is limited to one (1) singular Knight. Compared to something like a Hammerhead, where you just ignore everything all the time, it's much more reasonable and honestly kinda balanced based on what we know?

    I'm personally more worried about the Undivided one. Light Saedath Voidweavers have already shown how incredibly annoying transhit and no rerolls are to play into, and sticking that on a Tyrant or even just a double Avenger Despoiler is going to be a nightmare to shift. Even then, that's one model, and it needs to have basically wiped a unit already to get its buffs

  6. I will say now I do not hold out hope for my beloved Cerastes to make a good showing any time soon or even at all, hope they don’t get left behind.


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