Discovering The Horror of the Unknown (THAT WHICH GAVE CHASE #1)

The first video in my gameplay series for That Which Gave Chase ^w^)

and… EGADS!!!! A LET’S PLAY!? IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024?! GREAT HEAVENS! …to be fair, I wanted to stream, but since YouTube locked me off from doing so, I decided to do a faux stream… aka: a good ole fashioned let’s play! This is the first in a series I’ll be doing, & once I finish the game, I’ll likely provide a psychoanalysis on it on my main channel @crowismatic !

Thanks so much for watching if you did! I know there are many hashtag epic fail moments, so I think you deserve a cookie if you made it to the end. maybe even two!
Any support is appreciated! 😀 ♥️

Like what I did here? Want to listen to me over-analyze & occasionally draw intros out for the low low price of at least an hour of your day? Check my main channel & my other chambers of social media commerce out!
❤️Psychoanalysis Channel: @crowismatic

⚠️DISCLAIMER: View responsibly & at your discretion. Content may be sensitive. All beliefs expressed are personal opinion. I am stupid. I will play games in stupid ways. Do not throw your pearls to swine in explaining basic mechanics to me. I have the mental faculties of a toddler. You may lobotomize me if it would be for the betterment of mankind. Thank you.



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