DISAPPEARED at the Science Fair: Kyron Horman [UNSOLVED] | SERIOUSLY STRANGE #133

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Kyron Horman’s disappearance sparked the largest criminal investigation in Oregon history. The last known photograph was taken of Kyron Horman, during his school’s science fair on June 4, 2010. He disappeared within an hour of this photo being taken. Portland, Oregon, U.S.

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44 thoughts on “DISAPPEARED at the Science Fair: Kyron Horman [UNSOLVED] | SERIOUSLY STRANGE #133”

  1. Thank you for doing a video on Kyron! I lived in the same area when he disappeared. I moved several years ago to southern Oregon, where his mom (not stepmom lives). I still see signs up with his face. He needs to be found and I honestly think his stepmom knows a lot more than she is telling!

  2. I'm somewhat familiar with the case, but this is the first time I've heard that the step-mom may have something to do with it. But if that's the case; then what's the motive? Insurance policy? To spite her husband? Either way, the devil's in the details.

  3. I went down a rabbit hole on this case after watching this video the other night. I watched every interview with Terri Horman that I could find, and man oh man, if she's not guilty, she's done everything in her power to make herself look guilty. Her body language, her rambling answers to simple questions, the way she tries to act like she was Kyron's real mom and the only one who truly cared about him, her constantly changing stories, etc… After ruminating on all this info, I just cannot believe that she's not in prison. It's been 13yrs! She's walked free for 13yrs! Kyron's mom, Desiree, said that prosecuters were ready to pursue Terri until the Casey Anthony trial happened, and Desiree said that trial changed the way prosecutors handle cases like Kyron's. I wish I understood that comment better, if anyone can shed some light on what exactly is different now, I would appreciate understanding it better. It just seems like such a massively huge injustice for Terri to be free. I think of all the people who have been locked away with far less evidence, and I just don't understand why the cops won't arrest her.

  4. I remember this day so clearly the first day that news of his disappearance went National. Every few months for the past 12 years, I look him up hoping for new news.

  5. I live in Portland and everyone here thinks Teri Horman did something to him. If she just dropped him at Skyline Elementary school and went straight home, then why did Terri's phone ping at Sauvie Island? That's not really possible.

  6. This is from my home state, and his face is still up on billboards and on every year of his disappearance they show this case on the news. His mom still is trying so hard to find him. It is still so sad and breaks my heart. No evidence or anything. I couldn’t imagine what his mom and dad must be feeling.

  7. I can’t help but wrack my brain and get a weird feeling about all this. There’s a piece missing.

    Why didn’t the office call about the absence? Did someone call the school preemptively so that wouldn’t happen??

    And have they turned the school itself upside down, or have they only searched the premises AROUND it? I’ve heard accounts of people seemingly vanishing off the road, only to be found car and all months later, buried in mud in a ditch, having swerved off.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s foul play, but sometimes a body turns up in the last place one may expect, and I get the weird feeling that there may be someone complicit that we’re not aware of.

  8. This poor kid and family, I look at my children and couldn’t imagine life without them. These poor people must still be going through hell. This poor child omg I can’t even think about it. The step mother should be executed she had a child with this kids father how could she sleep at night how would she like it if he did this to her child. I am sick over this.I pray for the family and pray they find him.

  9. This case always upsets me…thank you for covering this and thank you for being a responsible YT creator by letting us know before the video about the scammers in your comment section 🙏🙏

  10. Most of Terrie's evidence against her is circumstantial and polygraph tests aren't viable in court because they're unreliable.
    The only good piece of evidence would be how 2 different people saw someone in her truck, although we don't know if those 2 witnesses knew eachother

  11. Why does youtube not have an option for "impersonating the channel" when you report a comment?
    Also I don't understand – the dad divorced the wife for putting a hit out on him but she was still allowed to drive her stepson to school? Or did I get my wires crossed about who was who in this story?

  12. I have yet to become a parent, but I have an inkling of an idea of how horrifying that fear truly is; what I CAN imagine is horrendous enough sans experience in parenthood. I couldn't even imagine the pain of seeing an artistically-rendered prediction of how one's child will look in present time, and not having been able to see them grow up in person.

  13. I also live in Portland and what a lot of you don't understand is that schools around that time (I was in HS when this case broke) don't have any security cameras. Most of them still don't. Also Skyline is SURROUNDED by woods. Like, actual forest, not just some rinky dink park with a couple trees. Finding missing people in the woods is incredibly difficult, not to mention our weather here is mostly rain during the majority of the year so decomposition is slightly different in wet and muddy conditions.

    I still think it was Terri.


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