Digimon TCG | BT12 – RAID Wargreymon

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Today’s Meta Monday episode looks ahead at the BT12 Meta. And for this first list, I’ve been testing a hyper aggressive variant of Raid Wargreymon. While BT11 Greymon X has been now limited in both the English and Japanese format, this deck is still a power house.

More decks to come. And if you have any questions do leave them in the comment section below!

0:00 Introduction
0:32 Deck Overview
0:48 Level 2 Discussion
1:27 Level 3 Discussion
3:04 Level 4 Discussion
3:57 Level 5 Discussion
5:17 Level 6 Discussion
6:20 Level 7 Discussion
6:51 Option Cards
7:19 Tamers
8:23 Strengths and Weaknesses
10:05 Final Thoughts & Patron Shoutout


11 thoughts on “Digimon TCG | BT12 – RAID Wargreymon”

  1. When I saw this pop up in my notifications I knew I had to peep and see your specific take on the build. I've been playing Bt12 WGM alot the last few weeks and have my own thoughts and feedback. Im a big advocate for the 1/1 split of Omni bt5 and OmniX bt10. The Unsuspended raid on WGM in testing has made it a powerhouse for clearing security and the deck goes surprisingly wide compared to its WGX build prior so ive always had a second body to check security outside of the initial WGM stack. Having the X-Antibody underneath and blitzing into OmniX to clear a potential last security and go for game is fantastic and removes potential problems like a Blocker than you can pierce through but not clear for the winning swing. Plus being able to bottomdeck Quartzmon on digivolve is fantastic. I also recommended slotting in Ex1 Greymon in one of the bt12 slots. I run 4x bt12 Tai in my build (no coolboy) and always benefit from my Greymons dropping free Tais. So having Ex1 Grey and bt12 Grey guarantees free tamer heavy drops. Yuuya is utilized as a one of as well. I tried the deck without him and fell victim to nasty yellow/purple security/opponent turn shenanigans (cough chaos D. Or ultimate flare) so having the Yuuya was definitely appreciated in crackback turns. All in all its a solid list just my thoughts based on my specific testing.

  2. Muwhaha!!! Silly bear Wargreymon will never die! Long live king greymon!!!!!

    But in all seriously the raid keyword offers faster agrgessive game play, those protections are make it or break it plays. I am still in my planning stages for the deck. Though, I didn't know that it evolved from name, This makes me think of new ideas. You can go hard aggressive or control untill you get your pieces. Bwgx could also use these cards to a degree.

  3. Let's gooo Digi-Panda! I am still pretty excited to play with this deck. Personally I actually run one less of the promo agumon and the agumon x in order to play 2 ex01 agumons. The when attacking can grab more tamers and in conjunction with ex01 greymon and/or bt12 metalgreymon, I can drop three tamers in one turn. I wanted to run black agumon too but the issue with that is that is your bt9 greymon x, sec +1 greymon, and ex01 greymons all can't digivolve on him.

    I also don't run cool boys at all in this deck. Cool Boy starts to lose value in greymon decks starting bt12; he can't be played for free or searched by any of your digimon; He bottom decks your four main player makers in the bt12 line, and requires same level digivolutions into x-antibodies to get the draw and memory gain. bt12 tai may only gain you a memory, but he was played for free, turns on hades force, and any digivolution into a greymon in name gains you a memory. If you run the bt5 greymon, that's a free evolution. You can even run Tai Kamiya bt6 to give you some advantage out of rising, or evem st5 tai to let you restand your blockers. I have been able to block four attacks with this deck due to that lol.

    Hot take though, I actually do not run hades force. Hades Force's problems became clear to me with this set in my playtesting. Quartzmon is a digimon that is a menace to this deck if you can't out it and hades force can't do that. So then your only choice is to kill it by having a digimon in the raise that pushes, builds to wargreymon x, and either swings over it or end of attack deletes because it has lower dp then it. I also find Hades Force to be a 'win more' card. It can't bring you from behind, you have to have a level 6 greymon on board to get full value from it. So if they deleted my wargreymon stacks on board, I am kind of screwed with hades force as my lone removal. I actually run de-digivolve cards ultimate flare and dg dimension now instead. De-digivolve is the hardest thing to block and raid helps me deal with any deck that actually can block de-digivolve (AKA other greymon decks lolol).

    All-in-all loved the video and looking forward to the next one!

  4. Excellent video! I've been a digimon fan since I was a kid but only played the games. The algorithm sent me your way and I'm glad! Your voice is calming and the pace is easy to keep up with for players who aren't in the loop. I will definitely check out your other content! You have well earned a new sub 🙂
    The artwork on these cards is impeccable vs the older cards I use to collect from the 90s and 2000s! It makes me want to collect again just for that!

  5. Preferably, I like having the buff and the option protection with Yuuya against options like Chaos Degrade or de digivolving options but yeah I agree with having one of each Omnimon. Omnimon X can help provide that much needed bouncing effect against something like Quartzmon

  6. Oh there are two new greymon lines in this set alone? (cries in diaboromon) God I’m relieved I don’t have to face this deck with 4 BT11 GreyX because it looks like such a pill lmao! Good stuff.


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