DIE RISE IS GREAT! Community COD Zombies Hot Takes #3

Hot Takes are common in COD Zombies, and today I’m giving you a platform to voice your COD Zombies Hot Takes. Comment your Hot Takes to be in the next video!
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Video Title: DIE RISE IS GREAT! Community COD Zombies Hot Takes #3


30 thoughts on “DIE RISE IS GREAT! Community COD Zombies Hot Takes #3”

  1. WW2 zombies is actually fun when you have friends to do the easter eggs with. They’re challenging and some actually take skill and knowledge. I hate how the community hates both WW2 and BO4 just because they’re different.

  2. tbh my only hot take would be that origins is one of the worst maps of all time, ugly to look at, i hate the robots, the 4 elemental wws made it so devs would just give us the most boring wws with the same 4 elements whenever they weren't bothered to try, the map is just really tedious, the easter egg sucks and the fact that the map is huge without fast travel makes it unreplayable.

  3. WWII's Raven research perks are criminally underrated. The ability to make builds for all different situations and playstyles is one of the coolest things about that game

    Attack of the Radioactive Thing is a good map. If not, at least it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of people say.

    Barrera from MWZ could beat The Shadowman and all of the apothicons in a fight. I refuse to elaborate.

  4. for die rise is not just the EE tho is also learning the tram thing placement (forgor the name) and learning to strafe jump around the area giving you multiple areas to go to in the beginning of the game which imo is nice but i still think overall even with these little things that I enjoy, the map is still pretty mid but still learning the movement in BO2 and applying it to die rise makes it more fun

  5. I feel that how good a map is should absolutely never depend on how fun the high round is. No matter the map, the high round strategy will require you to do the same thing over and over again for several hours, so to call some maps boring and others fun for high rounds when they’re all equally as repetitive is dumb.

  6. Hot take: Black ops 4 was an excellent game that came out at the wrong time. Fortnite took a majority of the audience. Maps like IX, Ancient Evil, and Dead of the Night are some of the most in depth and original experiences we’ve ever had. I will defend this game in my grave.

  7. Forgot to mention that my list is based on how much I like to play and do high rounds on those games, not because of easter eggs or something like that. I've done a couple of EE but I'm really not a big fan of them. 😅

    And I know I added MWZ even when those zombies aren't round based, that was just to see if some WaW fans would start to insult me for preferring MWZ instead of WaW 😅😅

  8. Infinite Warfare is the greatest zombies experience out there,there is plenty of side content in each map (The Trinkets in Rave in the redwoods,The TVs filled with character lore in Shaolin).Director's cut is the best reward for completing easter eggs,the weapons have tons of variety,and each map is visually stunning.Even the somewhat bad maps like attack of the radioactive thing and beast from beyond are more mid than they are bad.

  9. I disagree with your opinion on bo4 perk system being good, it’s genuinely just horrible. Reason? Well cause it doesn’t even make sens? You say it allows for different builds and play styles but like….. so did every other cod?? Like, every perk genuinely spawned in the map, and it was just a matter of buying which ones you wanted for your play style. Bo4 just hays you spawn in either a set loadout which you can’t change mid game if you get bored. Infinite warfare does this perfectly imo, allowing you to remove perks and switch them out for others.

  10. People blind dogging on Bo2's maps is hella annoying. Woah, you like Origins and Mob, but hate the rest? Wow, some original opinion you got there, what youtuber did you steal that from?
    Also the fact that Buried gets automatically lumped into the hate category because it's Victis is brain dead. That map goes hard and y'all hating on it are inbred like Leroy.

  11. although i appreciate Treyarch’s efforts to make Zombies cater to casuals, i feel like it did more damage than actual good since the recent zombies experiences have seen to have driven away older fans who are fans of the endless waves and a harder experience

  12. i def HOPE zombies '24 is "phenomenal" but i would never say it's GOING to be… i do think it could be Treyarch's last chance to get it right, though i have my doubts about its quality when it does come out compared to bo3.

  13. People need to focus on every aspect of gameplay when it comes to reviewing and forming opinions on zombies. I feel like people judge a game based only on its maps on the surface rather than taking into account the intent behind the maps as well as gameplay design


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