Did This Classified CIA Document Hide The True History of Humanity?

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In 1965, Chan Thomas published The Adam and Eve Story, a book which explained that magnetic pole shifts were responsible for the destruction of numerous civilizations, and that the truth behind the story of Adam and Eve was in its symbolism. Allegedly, a set of tablets inscribed with ancient glyphs tell a tale of global cataclysm on a literally earth shattering scale; and the next one is coming soon. Was Chan onto something? Did the CIA really cover up his work? Or are these just the ravings of a madman? Welcome back to The Lore Lodge…

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30 thoughts on “Did This Classified CIA Document Hide The True History of Humanity?”

  1. It makes more sense for eve to be adams daughter since she's "of his body" than God stole a rib and made a woman from nothing. TBF you can't just go with what the Bible says, a man lived inside a fish in the Bible lol Chan took a wild ass story and made it believable

  2. Nodded off listening to the US congressional UAP hearing and Utube played this. Interesting, I believe our government received a phone call from the Vatican and pulled the books since it altered the Bible, yet cleverly noted ancient mythologies that elaborated on the one line, yet brief and unexplained text in biblical literatures.

    Now that saying, I also believe that Thomas may have visited Cambodia, drank the tiger pen¡s rum, and magically translated the walls of Angor Wat. Naga is the 7-headed (that 7 #) serpent that controls Earth's water. Spanding out to Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and across the Philippines sea…Naga controls the eclipses, earthquakes, rains, and wind. All ingredients for an apocalyptic ending.

  3. Did anyone ever hear of the Phoenix event? Cyclical extinction events, someone actually chronicled, these events and even mapped these out to look at, with references..look up archaix..oh and the vapor canopy happens and darkens the sun , then the Phoenix event.. just saying

  4. your biased against apocryphal text this is not good because a argument can be made against current dogma! think the church killed all who followed true teachings, as for the origin of the text of the bible who wrote it we know it plagiarized from Samarian text & Egyptian book of the dead the code of hammurabi extra!

  5. Wildly off topic, but you remarked that you couldn’t get into explaining the trinity for this video. I’m wondering if you’d be willing to do a video on that in the future. I’ve been an atheist for about 15 years but am very curious about religion. I have a lot of people that confuse me for a Christian because of the values I hold as a person. The thing is. None of it makes any sense to me. I’m intrigued by religion and often envy those with faith – but every time I look into it myself, I just find way too many things that don’t make sense and I don’t have the ability to just blindly believe something. I need evidence and I absolutely hate contradictions.

    Probably barking up the wrong tree, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to ask. I admire your commitment to intellectual honesty and your videos are very thought provoking. I get the feeling you’d be able to explain things in a way that makes sense.

  6. You excell in so many ways in the work you do.

    I would like to ask you to perhaps present information, which you find ridiculous, in a way that preserves the comedic genius, skillful, thorough articulation & other great features of your style whilst maintaining a more consistent sense of humility in your tone when it comes to your personal beliefs about the matter.

    I think you are probably already one of the best on youtube.

    Thank you for your work.

    P.S. Perhaps the joke is on me? I would love that to be the case haha 🙂

  7. 1:14:13 very epic video, but frfr, please never say Māori like that ever again
    as a born and raised new zealand citizen, it's genuinely painful to hear americans say it that way
    it's not may-ori
    it's mao-ri
    mao, like the cat

  8. this reads like apocalyptic geologist auto erotica…and where are these "miles of water" coming from? all the fresh water melting on earth would raise sea levels 230 feet…..which is truly apocalyptic but it ain't water world where just mount Everest would be left.

  9. is climate change caused by man or the shifting of the poles? back in 2007 we were taught in entry level geology that the earth's magnetic field had more to do with the climate than did man made aspects, that said we should all strive to be as less intrusive as possible.

  10. so the electromagnetic layer is affected by the deepest parts of the Earth but not really affecting them. You're talking about incomprehensible amounts of heat and pressure (if our model of the inner earth is correct which we can't verify through direct observance for obvious reasons)

  11. When you have charged masses rotating, it generates magnetic fields. Conversely, when you have magnetized masses rotating you generate electrical fields. So, it is possible that application of an external electrical field would apply a force to the rotating magnetized mass (so called right hand rule). The core is complex. There appears to be a breeder reactor operating therein, keeping everything molten. It is difficult to say what would happen if a large flux of alpha particles or neutrons were to strike the core. The problem with all of this is that the crust is a rotating shell having tremendous mass, and thus moment of inertia. Thus, it will tend to maintain its rotational orientation due to gyroscopic stability. The only thing I can think of that would cause the crust to change its vector of rotation, is an inelastic collision with a large mass.

  12. In my opinion it was not’ censored’ by CIA to get it more attention. It wasn’t due to anything being correct it was CIA early version of a psy-op on American public because they feared a Catholic president being in charge. There are very specific examples that is was a very well known tactic they used . They wanted to dilute Christian beliefs and cause some separation from faith. There are several pillars that have to be shattered in the formation of a communist society there has to be a separation from faith for it to be successful

  13. There are other possibilities as well.

    On the more conspiracy minded end, it is possible that some CIA analyst thought the book contained coded information, beyond the plain text of the book.
    On the more practical side, It is also possible that if Chan was being considered for government employment, the CIA may have compiled a file on him while doing a background check, and the file was what was actually classified, and the book just happened to be part of the file, because they included it in their background check.

    It's even possible that the entire thing could be a kind of deliberate distraction, controlled opposition kind of thing.

  14. Got hold of the 1993 edition and read it yesterday. Interesting, no doubt. Still wondering what EXACTLY got mentioned that precipitated the classification of the material by the CIA. Catastrophism was already a field of study, I am curious what Thomas could have revealed or surmised that hadn't already been postulated by others.

  15. Here's the deal: Thomas is my ex-husband's Aunt's last name. Thomas is also the name of the magistrate who took my children away illegally because Jonathan is obsessed with me and it is old

  16. Real answer, no. And believing it was something of import is not great. Please see Potholer54. The most important part: One copy was classified. Literally all of the book has always been available for your capitalist needs.


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