Did God Strike Lady Liberty’s Torch??

Photographer Captures Statue of Liberty Getting Zapped by Lightning

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Seho & Gwendolen Song
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13 thoughts on “Did God Strike Lady Liberty’s Torch??”

  1. Thank you for sharing this story, first I'd heard of it. So much going on. God bless you and all whom are abiding in Christ Jesus. All Glory Honour and Praise be to The Lord God Almighty, Which Was and Is and Is to come, Amen

  2. The Goddess Columbia, a party animal, or so it is called now. A transexual, sex addict, sound familiar? It should , we are Rome reborn, iron and clay, the image of the beast, I believe. Thank you for all your diligence, Sister. Pray for Babylon, for she has offered her children to Baal again, indebted from birth to slavery and bondage. PRAY!!

  3. We’re Jesus rest there is Liberty, we never needed a stupid satanic statue, ever since they put that stupid thing up Americans have less and less liberty! Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are from God !


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