Did Alexander The Great Conquer The East For Its Wealth? | Alexander's Lost World | Odyssey

While Alexander’s journey East was certainly driven by a desire for conquest as well as the need to quash opposing powers on his borders, could the vast mineral wealth of this area have also contributed to his desire to take central Asia?

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18 thoughts on “Did Alexander The Great Conquer The East For Its Wealth? | Alexander's Lost World | Odyssey”

  1. There is a strong and hidden historical genealogical connection of Alexander the Great that remains to be admitted by western historians. Alexander's "Macedonian" Greek empire … and the attempted conquest of India. With Persia sitting between the western Grecian Empire and the eastern Indian/Chinese Empires, it is known that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, … and political/military marriages were constantly made with the outlying nations (Greece and India versus Persia, Greece and China versus Persia). It is then strongly suggested that in Alexander the Great's ancestry was some maternal Indian (and Chinese >) royal bloodline political marriage … and with some Indian civil war, unrest, disruption, etc … Alexander could have taken on Persia (conquesting the land and installing his Seleucid cousins as the rulers), then go on to attempt the expansion of his empire over India (which he was repulsed, and shot with a poisoned weapon) – by his claim of having Indian royal blood and right to the throne, based upon "might makes right of conquest."

    The same applies to the fall of the Roman Empire and Persia. It is now known that Rome was being economically devastated by falling gold reserves, as the Chinese/Asians on the other side of Persia made their political/economic/military alliance, at the expanse of draining the Roman Empire of its precious metals currency leading to hyperinflation, its economic disruption, and eventual demise. Some of the same Chinese tactics (that backfired) when the Chinese Mandarins told the British Empire that only gold or silver was the currency of exchange for Chinese products … which led the British to make and sell black market opium (for Chinese silver and gold) into the Chinese economy, and pulling out such gold and silver completing the British-Chinese trades … leading to the Opium wars etc, establishment of British Hong Kong etc. Some of these same tactics even used by the Chinese today, with shenanigan trade policies, payoffs, bribes, installing high-ranking government officials into such European and American corporations expense charts – show all the same draining of corporate profits back into the Chinese government and military structures.

    It is assuredly part of the conquest mechanism over the greater Indian Empire, then also including that same Afghanistan area of VAST (!) mineral wealth, that this also provided a conquest benefit for the Grecian Empire. Afghanistan has (like Ukraine) has been constantly warred over since Alexander the Great, up to modern times of the British Empire of India versus the Russian Empire, British Empire leaving in the 1950s, then Russia moving into the land in the 1970s, ousted by the Americans, then the Chinese moving into the land (and the Afghanis telling me personally – they wiped out those evil people, and gladly accepted the Americans versus the communist Russians and Chinese, then the Americans, and now back to Afghanistan to the Talibam et al Islamic controls.

  2. Answer to Content Title Knowledge is Power . It is Wealth greater than Gold. Alexander Conquered raided invaded "looted -pillaged robbed stole hid and acquired the contents of the library under Sphyinx of Giza hence the name the Library of Alexandria. Lk 8:17 Eph 5:11-12

  3. Oh goody…another installment of this series. I haven't watched yet but by judging by the comments, this video has the same problems as the last one;
    So I assume the choppy nature of the video will end as I begin to watch. I can deal with that so as to get wonderful content as soon as it passes…(I grew up in the 70s with 4 and 2 minute commercial breaks)
    Now on with the show. Thank you Mr. Adams 🙂


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