Dictators Are Getting A Sinking Feeling Starlink Skirts Twitter Ban

Less than 24 hours after completing his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, Elon Musk has already put into motion some significant changes!

Could SpaceX Starlink be the facilitator of tomorrow’s FreeWeb?
What do you think about this takeover?
Are you happy that Twitter is now a private company?
Could Elon create a TOR-like Google Search Alternative?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts!


As indicated, this is the discount link to the VPN I use but don’t forget if you decide you would like to be more anonymous, along with add further functionality to Starlink, make sure you add a “Static-IP” and “Port Forwarding” to your order.


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For more Starlink coverage subscribe and watch my entire PlayList at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUrdf7hvHC2KXLQg3HIi8keQOIdxcheS7

I hope you find this helpful or at least entertaining.

Highlighted Starlink Hardware I Have Tested In The Past:

NetGate https://amzn.to/3cXiTTv
Peplink https://amzn.to/3OnTsHM
UTT Router https://amzn.to/3nJBLaL
TP-link Router #1 https://amzn.to/3IjkyhP
TP-link Router #2 https://amzn.to/3c8gOUq
TrendNET Router #1 https://amzn.to/3nVukx0
TrendNET Router #2 https://amzn.to/3IGxvm2
Tiny Battery Backup For Starlink – https://amzn.to/3tEqQCp
TP-link AC Router – https://amzn.to/3so07J1
TP-link AX Router – https://amzn.to/3sf2or8
TP-link Managed Switch: https://amzn.to/3EQJKZy
TP-link Unmanaged Switch: https://amzn.to/3FVbaih
TP-link Outdoor Access Point – https://amzn.to/3uqDYfP
TP-link Indoor Access Point – https://amzn.to/3rV6Nzk
TP-link Control Module (100Mbps) – https://amzn.to/3Lduaf3
TP-link Control Module (Gigabit) – https://amzn.to/3rVBqEx

For High-Speed Access Points (ex. Starlink or Cable)
TP-Link Control Module (Gigabit) – https://amzn.to/3rVBqEx
TP-Link AC1900 – https://amzn.to/3Q28y6N

For Slower Speed Access Points (ex. ATT)
TP-Link Control Module (100Mbps) – https://amzn.to/3Lduaf3
TP-Link AC1200 – https://amzn.to/3OLhlsK

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26 thoughts on “Dictators Are Getting A Sinking Feeling Starlink Skirts Twitter Ban”

  1. Our company is on a hair trigger to shutdown our Twitter account and stop advertising. What's going to happen is another more fact based Twitter like company is going to startup. Elon Musk wants the United States to be another Oligarchy-based country. Basically, unless you're part of the <0.01% you're nothing in his eyes.

  2. Hey Joe
    I have Starlink and I’m logged into a server in Seattle. I’ve reached out to Starlink because i have a pop in San Jose Ca 20 miles away from the house. How can i get them to change this connection?

  3. The honorable Elon Musk is the most innovative creative entrepreneur of ALL time! He is Nichola Tesla and Steve Jobs combined. He’s accomplished more in 20 years than any entrepreneur in world history. I trust, respect, and admire him and his accomplishment MUCH more than our senile and dishonest president of the United States. I’m an enthusiastic Musketeer!😊

  4. Guys…, please…, you cannot hide the uplink signal inside China, North Corea, etc.
    It is too easy to track…(it works at first, but once word is out, the governments will hunt down people using it (with the help of space born radio triangulation).
    So, stop dreaming….

  5. Ilove elon musk I really feel hes for the people and hes got the money to do it really smart man ,i didnt really get in to all this im talking everything 1%, gov,dr, big phar, since the pandem and wow i never knew all of that but you take in all info and it doesnt look good to me and yep your right only so far and bam no info but if you know where to go the info is there different browser,libr— its all stored some where and once in the cloud always in the cloud somewhere ALWAYS! I like your videos thanks once i get some more ground footing ill do what i can for you and the fam me casa u casa familia wow my typing is bad and im italian! lol

  6. what is also interesting to me is how some major news outlets are dealing with Elon's Twitter. They seem to be making it to be a bad thing without any facts to back up their assertions. In other words, Elon also has been firing political hacks that have been inappropriately filtering speech and engineers that are not contributing to making Twitter successful which is a good thing. So far Elon is doing many great things and I am very happy the environment in the USA still allows it. I only hope Elon's ego does not get in the way. BTY hiring great people and treating them well is what makes a great company.

  7. In case you never heard this old phrase – "those who can, do; those who cannot, teach." Regardless, love the reference to a Calvary Officer who cannot ride a horse. That was priceless.

  8. The countries that have internet firewalls restricting access or censoring content will also ban importation of the equipment to receive StarLink. As for searches without censoring, I use other search engines, such as Brave and the Brave Browser.

  9. There's a book that's been out for ages! Sun Tsu – "The Art of War" – Rules of War = Cutoff Supply Chains – Hit Fuel Lines – Destroy Wealth – Disarm Citizens – Affect Transportation – Silence Important Communications – Create Diseases – Cause Strife and Divisions – Insert Lies, Confusion, and Propaganda – Make Yourself Look Like The Savior…

  10. The fact that Musk now caps/throttling Starlink and that it is just a cellular network service where you pay per bundle and bringing in charges per month for Twitter just confirms Musk is just a money hungry freak feeding of anyone he can. If he is that gr8 why did he not make his own Twitter like company. You really think he can provide Internet and Twitter to places where its controlled or band? NO the protocols in places by communist governments will know and its a bit of a give away where houses/properties have a satellite dish on the roof/in the garden or on top of a vehicle. There is other Internet on the blockchain that's not government controlled. Even the way Musk manipulates the crypto markets ticks me off.
    I think Musk is a rich boy bully and does not give a sh.t about the average person. Money money money.
    I for on will be leaving Twitter and I hope millions more do too.
    Sorry for the rant mate but Musk should stay in his lane and play with cars

  11. With Apple announcing their iPhone can hit satellites, and Starlink's partnership with T-Mobile, and given the low data requirements for Twitter…What if people in areas with a less than desirable governments could get unfiltered twitter directly from the sky internet (Starlink sat)?

  12. Wonder how he (Starlink) is legally shipping user terminals to countries that are included in the strict Export Administration Regulations (EAR) ban for sending equipment with encryption capabilities?

  13. I was very happy when Elon Musk purchased Twitter. With no social media presence, I actually signed up, but I'm not sure how long I'll stick around. First impressions are that the platform will allow for actual free speech without censorship, but I'm having second thoughts as to what his true intentions might be considering Starlink's unwelcome evolution. (See my lengthy comment on you data caps video.)

    I'm not sure how Starlink could make Twitter available where it is currently banned as Starlink doesn't seem to be available in those countries based on Starlink's own availability map.

    The though of a search engine that doesn't try to force me to see some things and prevent me from seeing others is intriguing, but again, with the direction Starlink is taking as an example, I'm not sure it would work out that way. It might start like that, but then evolve into it's own form of Google.


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