Diablo 4 Beta Gameplay Impressions – Diablo 4 is an MMO

Diablo 4 Beta Gameplay Impressions
In this Diablo IV Beta video, we will be talking about the Open Beta for Diablo 4 that happened this past weekend and everything we learned about the game. So if you’re interested to learn our thoughts. Watch on to find out!.

Diablo IV Wiki: https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Diablo+4+Wiki
Diablo IV Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyT5NcCVqdX9MuoUohvWLRTcZyChwsyQd

0:00 – Diablo IV Open Beta Hands-on Impressions
0:13 – Diablo 4 is an MMO
3:53 – The Pros of a Diablo 4 MMO
8:46 – The Cons of a Diablo 4 MMO
15:30 – Final Thoughts

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50 thoughts on “Diablo 4 Beta Gameplay Impressions – Diablo 4 is an MMO”

  1. "However, console users will still need to be subscribed to either PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to play the game as it will not have offline functionality available." That makes it the equivalent of an MMO!

  2. It's a bit annoying that once again our character is "the chosen one" rather than just an adventurer. Agree with most of your analysis, particularly the repetitive feeling of dungeons.

  3. I played the early beta this weekend gone and I was too positively surprised as well. As far as Diablo goes this was what I pretty much expected but the MMO aspect and shared world breaks it for me. When D1 came out I didn't have PC nor console to play so I would go to one of my friends and we would play a couch co-op. When D2 came out I was actually happy than I can finally play it on my own PC and at my own pace. I will probably jump on board with D4 but if Blizz will carry on with this online/shared world thing then it will be my last Diablo game. Which is shame.

  4. My one disagreement with your take on D4 is the graphics! It would appear you are playing on a console, which probably has substantially lower graphic quality, because playing in ultra wide 4k everything turned up on max settings with my PC this game is gorgeous.

  5. Barbarian Ideas
    -Hits a little harder overall
    -More visual flair and impact to combat
    -Better tanking and survivability
    -Short range dash added to all basic attacks
    -More Dual Weild Synergy
    • Triggers Berserker
    • Shorter Cooldown
    • Better targeting
    • Faster
    -Better Resource Management
    • Skills produce more Rage
    • Skills cost less Rage
    • More Stacks
    • Activates Berserker
    • Frenzy stacks increases speed for all attacks
    • Last longer
    • Adds base damage reduction
    • Damage increase per life lost
    • Last longer and more of them
    • Shorter Cooldown

  6. It's a shame that it's online only. Pretty expensive for an mmo.
    Maybe by the time the price drops to something I'd want to pay, maybe there will be modded/custom servers.

  7. god just stop with the whole monetization thing, they have stated a bajillion times it will be purely cosmetic, exactly like Path of Exile has been doing for years

  8. The thing is, the "MMO-ness" as I am gonna call it is just about the only thing this game has over something like PoE. And lots of people dislike that aspect. I personally like it seeing random players around and having it feel like a larger living world with all the towns and strongholds, but if that aspect does NOT appeal to someone then I see virtually zero reason to play it over a lot of its competition. The skill system in D4 was shockingly simplistic after getting used to PoE for several years. A lot of people are saying stuff like, "Well that's the appeal for some people who don't like complicated things." But they are just boiling it down to complicated vs simple when the bigger issue IMO is that the "complicated" PoE system has WAY more build options that are viable and people that don't wanna make their own build can just follow a guide.
    The only thing that PoE lacks IMO is precisely what D4 has in its more dynamic world that actually looks like it incentivizes multiplayer. I wish I could somehow have the best of both of those worlds.

  9. The fact that this is a live service game with always online, battlepass and real money auction house I will probably never get it. But fans seem excited regardless, so thats good. Cant please everyone all at once

  10. i really like to solo grind but knowing that you are not alone in a fucked up world knowing there are players around you each town and having that option to multiplay is always a bonus for me. a full single player offline is just a sad world for a game like this.

  11. Not really a fan of MMOs anymore but I'd be willing to give it a shot if the end game isn't like raids for WOW/ESO. Where you have to have a clan/guild/randos to complete.

    That's part of what I loved about the Diablos. Singleplayer with the options of multi. Guess we will see when it releases.

  12. This game seems bad imo. Its trying to be lost ark and poe mixed with wows mmo elements and still keep the diablo aesthetic. Also theyre trying to make it be a solid source of revenue by giving it a mobile interface via battle passes and mtx while doing none of what those games do well at all. Also they tried mixing in 2023 twitter-like inclusion while just failing to deliver on everything. Also didnt they market their game around customization? The game had 4 faces to pick from and the rest of the hair / aesthetic customization was shared along all characters. I imagine tho its limited on purpose to sell those features in the future. Refund now while you can.

  13. I never did understand the term “the game has done a 360”. If u do a 360 u just end up in the same direction. Maybe I’m just overthinking this 😂

  14. I think you're crazy saying the graphics aren't good. Could they have been better? Sure, especially with everything we've seen out there but, the graphics quality itself is far beyond PoE and Diablo 3 or even Lost Ark. It's the best looking ARPG out there.

  15. Ugh I played Diablo to get away, I really don’t like having people running around and how the world sharing creates gameplay dynamics around that.
    I will probably skip for the time being

  16. Maybe Activision Blizzard intend on making a true Diablo MMO, maybe that's why there are some limited MMO features in D4, to see the reaction of the players and to see how well they fit into the game.

  17. A lot of your point are idiotic. I get it has SOME MMO aspects but the game will always be 100% soloable.
    It's like saying PoE is MMO because it has people in towns and has a global chat.
    Then you make a point of "how would Diablo look like MMO" – You do realize D:I was advertised just as that? So help yourself and play that game.
    Another one – You're saying "it'll be interesting to see how to build your character in this world with updates etc." There will be seasons. Your character will be reset after 3 months dude…
    Also… Saying that something "came 360 degrees" means it's in the same spot….
    Holy shit, now wonder Fextralife is becoming a meme among gaming communities nowadays. Complete lack of any good points, lack of any informations about the game… What a joke.

  18. I absolutely hate that you cannot play Diablo games offline anymore. I'm still going to play D4, and loved D3, but god I hate not being able to have a singleplayer experience without logging into a server.

  19. my favorite part was easily the combat gameplay. I felt like the difficulty scaling was off a bit, not horribly but could use tweaking. For instance, I went into one dungeon and worked through it to the boss monster at the end. I gave it like 5 or 6 tries and couldn't beat it. So i went to town and upgraded 2 items, then went for another try and I rolled through the encounter. Maybe it was me practicing but it felt to me like the itemization was to impactful compared to the difficulty, like both ways too. I don't think I performed better with the fight mechanics than any other time.


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