Diablo 4 – 20 Million XP & 80 Legendaries Per Hour – True BEST Legendary & XP Farms Ranked & Guide!

The actual best way to progress as fast as possible in Diablo 4! Enjoy!
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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak gameplay is here but for now we look at new Diablo 4 and the Diablo 4 gameplay specifically the Diablo 4 beta early access demo gameplay as we go through the best Diablo 4 guide walkthrough breakdown tips tricks explained with Diablo 4 best class Diablo 4 Sorceress Barbarian Necromancer Druid Rogue build guide all abilities spells skills playstyle Diablo 4 most powerful class Diablo 4 best build skills abilities Diablo 4 best leveling build all classes highest damage Diablo 4 best class Diablo 4 Endgame build Diablo 4 Diablo 4 best XP farm Diablo 4 leveling guide lvling guide level guide 1 to 50 to 70 to 100 fast how to Diablo 4 XP farm guide Diablo 4 fastest exp location endgame progress guide Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon farm xp loot guide Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon Guide Diablo 4 Loot Cave legendary farm Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon glitch trick tip Diablo 4 fast glyph leveling xp!

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47 thoughts on “Diablo 4 – 20 Million XP & 80 Legendaries Per Hour – True BEST Legendary & XP Farms Ranked & Guide!”

  1. As someone that hasn't really done that single dungeon farm and instead done mostly nightmare dungeons, helltides, world boss, legion events and public events imo the game doesn't feel rewarding in terms of loot.

  2. yea nightmare dungeons are great
    noticed some things.
    it seems 10% are special ones that drop more loot than the rest.
    i can normally tell if there are a lot of barrels at the start of the run.but thats a bit tin foil hat.
    after you get the bubble and the bell to leave.if there are some elites around you can still kilz them if that is a10% and you got a few epics so far.
    the right potion seems to work wonders as well.

    need to talk about something?
    where did i get all my glyphs from?
    the paragon system is cool.

  3. I wouldn't call NM dungeons more fun than normal dungeons on average. Most of my experience with NM's on my journey so far has been ranging from the most fun I've had to the worst experiences in the game besides dealing with the potato servers. When you get a fun sigil, you're in for a treat. One positive effect for your char to make the gameplay feel unique, and nothing too bad to deal with negative on your char, but enough to make you play around it. Then you get something like suppressor on a ranged build or resource burn on any build and you might as well salvage the sigil because it feels awful to not be able to play the game most of the time. So most of my time playing the NM dungeon loop, is crafting and looking at sigil drops, deciding if they'll make me wanna uninstall if I run them or not. Then the dungeons last a couple of minutes max. Oh and then I have to travel to each dungeon (I know they'll fix this in the future according to the dev stream). Also the stronghold dungeons are in the pool, or some are at least, so I can't leave them undone to farm +2 level content which seems to be a good farm especially when you hit a new world tier. They should just make it so it temporarily opens the door for those ones or remove them from the pool altogether. If they fixed all of these issues, it would be a fun system, but for now I actually enjoy it less because it's so clunky and the fun part (running the unique version of content) is so short compared to the prep time. Also they have such a small inventory I can't just do what you do in other games like POE where you can roll a bunch of sigils(maps) at once, then run them back to back. Making it so your gameplay loop is delayed but not interrupted. It needs to have its own menu where you can hold tons of them or nobody will want to run the end of dungeons and lose their good sigils. Right now from what I've seen and heard, once you finish the sigils you care about, no point in pushing nm dungeon completions for grinding reasons. Only people pushing are people who want to run high nm sigils for content or leaderboards.

    Well that's my rant for today. Hopefully they fix this system because when it's working right it's super fun. Too bad it's nowhere near where it needs to be and instead of fixing the issues with this the devs are making the other content feel worse to try to force a certain activity.

  4. Getting 100 in this game is currently pointless. Everything is literally the same from 70 to 100. I'm 80 and can basically not even find gear upgrades anymore.

  5. You said, 'Most of the dungeons in the game can be nightmare dungeons.' This is not true. There are only about 20 or 25 possible dungeons that can be nightmare dungeons out of 115 dungeons in the game.

  6. whats fastest way to get to 50 if you're already completed the campaign at like 45 ? all the guides for XP seem to be for 50+ and no where near the XP im actually getting from dungeons.

  7. Hey check out Uldurs Cave over at Kehjistan over to the north side, the amount of Elite are OP, possibly a new loot cave before it gets nerfed. First objective is to destroy 3 barricades then slay all enemies. The spawn of elites are just crazy!!! Please test it since I dont have how efficient it may be, but it may be worth for the community.

  8. Max glyph tier is 21 not 20. Currently have 8 maxed. Majority of my time has been in them. Completion of NM dungeon gives a set amount of exp regardless of dungeon length as well.

  9. also, just wanted to say…if you trying to do the nightmare reset you dont have to go into another dungeon and do the first quest if you have a cellar near by it works too and its a little faster. 🙂

  10. Please make a video on how to get XP to actually GET to level 50 and above, to be able to enter Tier III or IV. It seems impossible to me to use ANY of your builds and / or farming methods since they seem to be for characters above level 70. But how to get there in the first place?

  11. We really should have acces to exp specific dungeon like 1 or two times per day , where you just slay monster waves coming at you , you dont get any items , but alot of gold and exp and maybe uograde materials . Yeah diablo should have some daily quality of life quests

  12. idk i hope the nightmare exp buffs help leveling out, the leveling grind is way to long right now it really discourages playing another character. and respecing talents and paragon needs to be WAAAAAAAAY cheeper than it is and there needs to be a loadout system for builds.

  13. i hate grinding in games, this game is way to much of the same repeat which is so annoying. so why cant they just leave it how we like it doing it quick

  14. Idk if I’m doing something wrong but whenever I tried doing this nightmare dungeon reset method I feel like I’m getting nearly any xp.

    I’m a lvl 65 Ice shard sorc and repeated the same dungeon (tier 14)like 4 times and it didn’t look like my xp bar went up all that much almost as if the game knows I’m trying to be a beast


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