Destiny Grills A Muslim Debater About Andrew Tate's Conversion In Age Of Consent Debate

Last night on Destiny ft. Qorantos

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41 thoughts on “Destiny Grills A Muslim Debater About Andrew Tate's Conversion In Age Of Consent Debate”

  1. This guy smells like a plant…the Muslim Zherka level of trolling bullshit. I don't think he believes a word he is saying, but he is good at hyping up the mems while sounding vaguely believable.

  2. The argument the guys making at 52:00. I feel like he could have gone just a little bit further to make his case that would have made more sense such as the universe seems to be super fine tuned and dependent on causality and it seems to be the case that the only things that we know make well tuned things and mechanical things are life-based things. The only things that are well tuned seem to come from life-based things and things that are super well tuned seem to come from human consciousness level life based things so it is reasonable to assume or accept the universe a super super fine Tuned thing would be made from something that is at least life-based in a sense.

  3. Let’s see. Jesus mom (according to scholars) was between 14-16 years old. Not only young, but married too. (Holy Spirit 😏). Then there is Agnes of France (married age 9, Christian). From nature’s POV, once a female starts to menstruate, the game is on..

  4. Qorantos in a recent panel screamed "FREE THE MAN" in reference to Andrew Tate. Probably was memeing but I felt it somewhat necessary to bring up just watching the first few seconds of this video and may delete this comment if I am simply just a D U M B F U C K.

  5. Muslims hold Muhammad as their biggest ideal in terms of behaviour and what is considered holy. If Allah and his messenger had no problem with child brides and endorsed this, then Allah being omniscient nullifies any claim of presentism. He wouldn't make something legal only within a specific time frame or context and if he did, then all of his laws can be tossed away as such and therefore, this dude should have no issue with LGBTQ+ issues. Lmfao

  6. We can't and don't hold people from history to the same moral standards as people now.
    But it is Muslims who are holding Muhammed up as the moral beacon, the most perfect human, the one whose life and teachings you should emulate and hold in the highest regard.

    If that is how you view this pedo, than his morals do become very fucking relevant to critique because they have direct influence on how 2 billion people think and live.

  7. This guy argues in bad faith and misrepresent the Muslim bible to paint it in a cleaner and more digestible light😂😂lies about Muslims and their bible when they preach to delete non believers or someone who believes in more then one god😂😂😂guy is a bold face liar.

  8. Tells chat to do something with their lives, while trying to be a successful streamer cause hes not doing anything else, while holding the position that its not a real job.

  9. Holy shit. Destiny found a social conservative (is he though?) that can actually follow a conversation. He even managed to spin some crazy tangents then reel himself back into the original topic. That was actually entertaining AF.

  10. 31:04 — Admittedly an unconformable topic to discuss, but don't forget Destiny, BEFORE MODERN MEDICINE, Humans around the world lived to be about 25-ish. Any disease like the COLD would un-alive you. So the life-cycle of ANY human being would be pretty gross by today's standards.

  11. 46+ he's full lying any person at war with someone when they win they would take the prisoners as slaves and or convert them or they would be put to death that is documented, he's lying just like every religion tells people it's okay to lie to someone not in their faith


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