Destiny 2 – SEASON OF DEFIANCE AND THE DEEP! The Next Year Of Lightfall and Massive Updates!

Today bungie’s game director Joe Blackburn released a massive article on detailing the next year ahead and future of the Destiny franchise. Today we discuss Season Of Defiance and Deep, Crucible and Strikes updates, Weapon crafting and tons more!


0:00 Intro
0:42 Content Variation
1:22 Topic Of Article
1:34 Season Of Defiance and New Content
2:07 Bye Bye Umbrals
3:05 Chest Currency Keys
3:37 Vendor Changes
3:50 Season Of The Deep
4:51 Weapon Crafting Changes
6:36 Ability Tuning
7:36 Enemy Difficulty
8:33 Power Caps for Lightfall
9:14 Crucible Maps And Modes
11:04 Exotic Mission Rotator
11:50 Re-imagined Strikes/Heist Nightfalls
12:54 Connecting Guardians

“Destiny 2 Lightfall Year”
“Destiny 2 The Year Ahead”
“Destiny News”
“Destiny 2 Season Of Defiance”

Thanks for watching!


43 thoughts on “Destiny 2 – SEASON OF DEFIANCE AND THE DEEP! The Next Year Of Lightfall and Massive Updates!”

  1. If your gonna pretend that Gambit doesn't exist you could ya know…

    …Just delete it.

    I loved Gambit for what it was, but if your going to do absolutely nothing with it or make it worse just remove it at this point. Ik that's just avoiding rather then a solution, but damn.

  2. Sigh….you know, if Bungie really wants to bring difficulty back they could introduce a NEW enemy race that's NOT a palette swap. Make these TRULY NEW enemies the scaled up ones. Not just the bosses or new raid boss asset – but even the regular in world new enemies. But that's asking too much and they know it. More rinse repeat.

  3. I imagine season of the defiance will be Maura taking over a pyramid ship (maybe the moon one).
    Season of the deep will probably bring us to xivu or something to make her powerless or something. That will be a new dungeon so it’s be cool if she was a dungeon boss

  4. Listening to the Blackburn news didn't bring with it a lot of excitement for me. Maybe its just the though that re-grinding for all the gear I have managed to scoop is just around the corner or the push back on getting a working LFG system in the game (it feels like Bungie doesn't want anything to do with it from past remarks to now it will come in the last season of this year). Among other things, like the readjustment of stats or the changes to crafting where it sounded like grinding endlessly for random rolls is the old/new way we chase after all those god rolls. I guess Ill give it a shot to see what's its all going to feel like but I can't say how much engagement Ill give it until I just watch from the sideline for all the story beats.

  5. Lots of good sounding stuff. I’m excited for this. The 1 of 2 crucible maps for the year looks really cool… also I’m not sure if it’s a technical thing but I hate the whole rotation deal with dungeons and now exotic missions. If I can’t get on or a casual buddy can’t get on, then we have a lot of waiting and planning to do.

  6. I said it once I'll say it again: why are we double-nerfing resilience? People wouldn't be complaining as much if it was only one of these, but we're nerfing max resil while also making it harder to get max resil? It fhucking sucks lmao

  7. Bringing challenge back to destiny:
    Personally my big issue with them turning the knob up is it kind of makes the enemies feel more tanky then they need to be :C Now i do want to difficulty but i hope they don't feel that tanky. Heck Legendary seraph shield was just….I hated it. The enemies felt more tanky then grandmaster enemies making them dull to fight.

  8. All i ever wanted was an exotic stasis bow and the ability to unfuck the useless handling off of my otherwise god roll drops. Is that shit really so hard for them to do. Instead they focus all their effort on making guardians big ass pussies that struggle through content. They want us dying and to have useless resil. Fuck these motherfuckers. They can eat a bag of dicks.

  9. "Quality" lol more like bare minimum. Weapon crafting could have been so much better. Like adding different weapon sights or changing the look of guns through attachments or something.

  10. I’m so glad they’re making random roll drops able to be good again. To me, grinding activities to get a certain drop was way more fulfilling and what made destiny, destiny, than making something yourself. (I have only crafted 2 weapons since the relic came out)

  11. I have an idea for season 22 and a title how about season of the stranger where the guardian goes with exo stranger to her time line and where the guardian fights the darkness guardian aka future guardian and we help exo stranger fight her sister and try to reform her and bring her back into the light and I'm still working on progress on the rest but I'll think of more details in the future!

  12. Happy for stuff to come. Still, I’ll be waiting on new solo endgame stuff to crop up. Not just activities, but also mods and buffs like solo operative. I want to be able to do stuff on my own and become The Guardian of the lore.

  13. Damn they’re trying to add objective play to the objective modes? Might actually play crucible after this. But I’m most excited for the power changes, genuinely so frustrating that I can’t really ever play higher end seasonal stuff till the very end of the season just cause I work full time and can’t grind 24/7.

  14. Conspiracy theory.

    We know season of Defiance is on Earth and by the trees' I'd guess EDZ. Now we see a dark city-esc set of structures in the background of the promotional material. What if the EDZ is getting a full rework? As in the now irrelevant Red Legion base is being replaced by a Shadow Legion base. This could be supported by the fact that the two of strikes that are getting reworked in Lightfall are Arms Dealer and that Taken one in the EDZ. That's both the strikes in the destination and no other is being touched for some strange reason (specifically mentioned that Nessus strikes are staying as is due to all their changes).


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