Destiny 2 Lore – Did Xivu try to kill Oryx? Did we play a part in it? Did she succeed?

Download Outplayed at this link: Destiny 2’s Lore and Story tells us about an encounter between the forces of Oryx, The Taken King & Xivu Arath, the god of war! If we’re to understand this encounter, it might indicate that we played our part in Xivu Arath’s plan to kill the Taken King of the Hive.
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29 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – Did Xivu try to kill Oryx? Did we play a part in it? Did she succeed?”

  1. The only bit about this I am not sold on is that oryx spoke with the witness when he communed with the deep. The witness is quoted as not being the deep and the way the darkness speaks to oryx does not reflect the dialect of the witness. Ergo xivu, working with the witness does no prove xivus knights position correct

  2. We need to really look back on how strong the Cabal are, They have weaponry, CAUSAL weaponry, Able to harm Para-causal entities, And even kill them, And then we need to remember that the Cabal in our system are possibly the last of the Cabal, As the rest of their race was massacred by Xivu when she conquered Torobatl, This ALONE makes Xivu a terrifying enemy to face, Xivu has strength enough to face down the entirety of the Cabal and make them run.

  3. Anyone else feel like the Gift Marst is where Savathun turned against the Witness? Seems like she drank the light and realised what her true path would be. Where does she go after this? Does she just go into space like Xivu? No, she goes into the black hole that had been touched by the Traveller. Maybe she learnt more truths within

  4. so ur telling me that most of the shit that happened like crotas death, oryx arriving, taking of riven and deaths of multiple characters was due to 2 goofs defending their favourite hive god like they were arguing over anime protagonists?

  5. I really hope that Xivu and the witness are the big bads of the final shape we will probably fight Xivu and some of the witnesses forces in the campaign and then the witness himself in the raid

  6. I feel like that excerpt from the Books of Sorrow aptly describes the differences between the three siblings. Oryx led from the back, using proxies and strategically placing his forces, Savathûn led from within, using her impersonation and observation to know the enemy, to understand them and learn their weaknesses, Xivu Arath led from the front, using pure force and operontological warfare to psychologically cripple her enemies with the little weight their cosmic existence held. In terms of the nature, desires, and Sword Logic of the Witness and the Darkness, Xivu Arath follows it the closest among the Hive Gods. Oryx and Savathûn still carried it out, but neither of them truly followed it by definition, bending the rules where it benefitted them the most. Xivu's devotion and adherence is likely what will make her the strongest among the siblings, truly worthy of being given the Witness's blessings through helping to forge the Final Shape.

  7. Im glad this video was made, the season where savathun was trapped in her crystal, it was because xivu arath backed her into a corner i suppose, however i was wondering why we havent seen any claw of xivu arath since we let savathun escape the crystal, its like the game just went and dropped her when she is so clearly a threat now that she is the last of the 3 alive…hopefully when we do see her itll be quite the story

  8. so let me see if I'm understanding, a couple of knights had a rap battle in hell and because Xivu's spat better bars Crotas knees buckled and he took a nap which caused everything to fall apart in chain reaction?


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