Despite All Odds: The Unlikely Success of Drag Race Season 12

Jaida is going to slay AS7, prove me wrong.

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50 thoughts on “Despite All Odds: The Unlikely Success of Drag Race Season 12”

  1. This is conpletely unreltaed but production really should hire lee dawson for editing drag race. Literally forgot that katy perry pie was on the season up until the solo lip sync

  2. The whole Sherry Pie debacle made season 12 much more organic and put more queens upfront, that was the key to success of the season, I think. There was no time for storylines and bullshittery so we got a very fun season because of that.

    And that’s the reason season 14 was so good in my opinion. I really got to know the queens ( well as much as you can from a reality show of course ) throughout the season and was able to fall in love with all of them. I don’t understand the bitching about the queens staying longer – they brought the looks, they brought the talent, let them entertain damnit, that’s what they do best.

  3. i VIVIDLY remember this season. 7th grade, just got out of school and was on my bus otw home and I open instagram to a brand new cast and to see that NICKI FUCKING MINAJ was a guest judge. I was about to fcking explode with excitement on that bus. and I see that two queens that I've been following prior to the announcement, (gigi goode and dahlia sin) are on the season. this season is one of my favorites because I distinctly remember how it went down. jakeyonce insta lives, sh3rry p!e criminalistics, etc. this season saved 2020 fr. one thing i don't understand was why they were on and off showing sh3rry p!e. like why were they showing her runways n critiques…if she won a challenge then either edit the win to another queen of just simply let us know she won. either cut her out completely or not.

    oh, and crystal should've won the makeover challenge, jaida should've been in the top for the madonna rusical, and jackie should've been sent home in the lipsync against heidi 😛

  4. Was agreeing with everything you said until you decided to scream like a lunatic, screaming doesn't make your points right, your points were already right, take a chill pill and stop screaming.

  5. I’ll be honest – I don’t have access to any paid service that has drag race on it. Having Bob host the pit stop brought me in and it helped immensely. Love bob and this season (at least via the pit stop) seems very strong

  6. Just want to say thank you for introducing THAT contestant as Joey Gugliemelli first. What he did was gross enough that he shouldn't get to hide behind his stage name. Or even worse—the tee hee 🍒🥧 people have begun to use

  7. Lmao I snorted at "gay Stanford priosn experiment."

    I will say though Season 14 felt WAAAAY less produced. The lack of eliminations definitely hurt it but it didn't feel like there was one big overarching storyline. Instead it had little storylines sprinkled throughout and it was a net positive.

    I've described it as RuPaul's "Great British Bake Off" season. Technically reality TV but moreso a bunch of talented people showcasing their art.

  8. Also–everyone always says "I think Sherry was planned to win!" and I honestly doubt this a lot. She hadn't won a challenge (or even come close) in like 9 episodes by that point and I'm sure even WITHOUT her catfishing scandal the fans would have turned on her after the one-woman-show episode when she went so far over her time limit.

  9. If we’re going to be technical, I believe Sherry Pie was not officially disqualified until the 3rd episode. The allegations began to come out a couple days before the 2nd episode (his first).

  10. What Sherry did was so vile, but at the same time I feel like In 5 years from now people aren’t even gonna care about it. Like I just feel like compared to queens like Sharon it just really wasn’t that bad. Not saying it wasn’t bad, because it was, I’m just saying we’ve definitely seen worse 😂 also the fact that Sherry immediately admitted to it instead of lying, went off socials for 2 years to get help, plus she’s said that she’s reached out the victims personally to make up for what she’s done, some of them want nothing to do with her but some of them are actually friends with her again. And then you have Sharon who has done 10x worse things but still hasn’t addressed anything, but is still on socials and still has a pretty successful drag career that’s just kind blowing to me. Idk maybe I’m just not as hateful towards Sherry because I have had similar things happen to me, and I’m not going around on social media acting like I’m some traumatized victim to try and boost my acting career and ruin theirs. I am glad tho that it gave Sherry a wake up call and she’s now getting help for her issues and not to mention she has faced pretty big repurcussions on top of it, I just feel like throwing her away like a piece of garbage and cancelling her for life is a little much. Everyone can change. If Sharon can still have a successful drag career after everything she’s done why can’t Sherry? Sharon was going around calling people the N word, allegedly did blackface, wore a nazi symbol, and allegedly groomed a minor. Sherry catfished grown men into sending her explicit videos. Still gross and wrong but not anywhere near the level as Sharon.

  11. Season 12 also has such a superstar cast. The entire cast is all stars material and many have grown sm off the show (e.g gigi goode, the amount she has educated herself and grown as a person is incredible, and heidi just being an icon) love this season!

  12. I was once a Gigi stan (still am but she has her issues), and I'm glad I came around on Jaida. Rewatching & looking for Jaida made the season so much better. Nothing but love for those 2 🙂


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