Eve Online – Skiff Mining, Q&A – Solo Mining – Episode 84

⚙️ *About Solo Mining:*
Embark on a cosmic adventure with Solo Mining, the definitive podcast for EVE Online miners seeking wisdom and camaraderie in the vast reaches of New Eden. Our mission is to guide both rookie and seasoned capsuleers through the intricate art of solo mining, exploring every facet of this essential aspect of the EVE universe.

🌌 *Mining in EVE Online:*
Mining is the lifeblood of New Eden’s economy, providing the resources needed to build ships, modules, and structures. As a solo miner, you navigate the asteroid belts alone, carving your destiny amidst the stars. From the serene ice fields to the dense asteroid clusters, Solo Mining is your companion in understanding the nuances of resource extraction and wealth accumulation.

🛠️ *Crafting the Perfect Mining Experience:*
In each episode, we delve into the critical elements of solo mining, from selecting the optimal mining ship and fitting the right modules to mastering the art of resource scouting. I share my insights and strategies to help you not just survive but thrive in the ever-expanding universe of EVE Online.

🔧 *Advanced Techniques and Strategies:*
Discover advanced techniques for maximizing your mining yield, mitigating risks in hostile territories, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of New Eden. Whether you prefer high-sec tranquility or the thrill of null-sec ventures, Solo Mining equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in any mining environment.

🚀 *Community Building:*
Join a thriving community of solo miners as we share stories, tips, and questions in each episode. The comments section is your space to connect with fellow capsuleers, fostering a supportive network where miners from all walks of life can learn and grow together.

💡 *Educational and Entertaining:*
Solo Mining is more than just a guide; it’s an immersive experience where education meets entertainment. Expect engaging discussions, gripping stories from solo miners’ experiences, and a deep dive into the lore and history of mining within the EVE Online universe.

🌟 *Support the Show: YouTube Membership*
If you appreciate the insights and entertainment Solo Mining brings to your EVE Online experience, consider becoming a member of our YouTube community! By joining as a member, you not only show your support but also gain exclusive perks that enhance your Solo Mining journey.

Embark on a solo mining journey like never before – only on Solo Mining!

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3 thoughts on “Eve Online – Skiff Mining, Q&A – Solo Mining – Episode 84”

  1. Loving these vids. They are great to listen to. Thank you for your hard work.

    I was wondering, is there a way to protect your mining ships from gankers by using shield logi drones.

    Scenario: highsec system, Hulk being boosted by porpoise.
    Porpoise having 5 shield drones on Hulk and Hulk having Shield drones on Porpoise ?

    Would that be enough of a deterrent?

  2. Hey Jake recently found your content and I’m loving it 😊. But wanted to ask a few questions, apologies if you have answered these in the past. For context I mine using 4 max hulks and a max boost porp. Is it worth my time to hit some of the less rare null sec ore or should I just be cherry picking for the more valuable ones? And what would you suggest as a good starting point to learn manufacturing as currently I just reprocess all my ore and sell the minerals. But I have heard that you can increase profits with mixing in some manufacturing too. And finally, is it still possible to make good isk ninja mining with prospects in pochven? Keep up the great work, love the solo mining series.


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