"Deny Yourself" | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily) #sundayhomily

β€œNo” paves the way for β€œyes”.

Jesus gives us the conditions for discipleship. We must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. But what does it really mean to deny ourself? And how can this giant β€œno” pave the way for an even greater β€œyes”?

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42 thoughts on “"Deny Yourself" | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily) #sundayhomily”

  1. Thank you, Fr. Mike for all your homilyβ€˜s. Even after attending mass at my own parish, I still open up and listen to your homily because you have a gift of delivering the message to anyone listening. I enjoy value and appreciate all your wisdom and knowledge.

  2. Amen πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½ father mike is it wrong if I miss church sometimes because I’m my mom’s caregiver and sometimes she needs me at 7am πŸ•– that’s what time mass starts but I do watch your mass when I can’t attend physically

  3. ✝️❣️πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ“–πŸ“ΏπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’πŸŒΉπŸ’žπŸ’šβ€οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ•―οΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’―

  4. I must say, Fr. Mike is an inspiring human being sent by God all mighty himself to bring people together again in the name of God. Those of us like myself who have lived our younger years as a Salesian's of St. John Bosco Collage. I have seen lots of good but also sadly been abused in ways that I would not like to reveal. I leave that to God to seek justice And forgivness. I always loved God and Holly Mary as the mother of all Christians. I am not to be ashamed in saying that I'm a gay person and no one would judge other than God all mighty. I love God and my prayers are very limited to that of saying the Holly Mary and Our Father prayers every single day. The best thing of all I found to do is to help those in need and to really be there for the community around you. Reading the bible has always been difficult for me as I found it to be rather comprehensive and sometimes, even can't even understand it. Fr. Mike has opened a new chapter in my life in order to understand the reading of the Holy Bible and live it to the best of once ability and situation. Thank you, Fr. Mike Schmitz for your love and care for your community and more so for those who are lost and trying to utilise the preaching of the Holy Bible and live it not just speak it! Apologies for my English as it's my fourth language.

  5. Offering God your breath, your thought, your memory is still putting yourself before God. This is because your ego is saying, "This moment/thing is MINE so here have it".
    To correct this you have to approach the offering from an egoless position.

    So, in example, if you gave me your memory of an event, what the heck would I do with that as a deity? I already know your skewed perceptions and misinterpretions of that benign life occurance. So, what am I supposed to do with it, hang it on my cloud wall as a decorative poster? Humans share memories with each other in order to understand the other's perceptions and place in the world, for sympathetic empathy, for feeling understood, for intimacy, etc.
    So, giving a sigh or a thought to God is moot. It should be a request for forgiveness in most cases or, at best, a moment of grateful praise. But, it's certainly not living as a sacrifice. So, then, what is?
    Well, it's putting down our massive egos and knowing God knows us. It's knowing that if you can be on the same wave length as your best friend and knowing that you have the ability to know each others thoughts, well, then how much more and more clearly can God do that?
    So, in short, it's gently setting down your ego and skepticism, acknowledging that He is more capable then your best friend at communicating vibes with you, learning to hear Him, and then listening to what He tells you in order to be guided by Him in everything you say, do, think, and desire.

    You know that song, "I will follow him, follow him wherever he may goooo…", well, that's being a living sacrifice. It's listening and obeying Him, not listening to the Ego, not the random thoughts, not the suppressed memories, not the unconscious mind.
    You have to align with the vibe God is on. The soul is like a radio frequency, the body is like a radio. You have to tune in and reduce the scattered signals making white noise.

    Being a living sacrifice is living in love and understanding that God does not share it with just anyone (even though everyone is welcome to ask and find).

  6. I appreciate the opportunity to listen to these Sunday homilies. I'd like to suggest, though, that these videos begin with reading of the gospel.

    I realize that not all homilies relate to the gospel, but many – like this one – do. So listening to the gospel first gives us some perspective for the homily. (I suppose I could watch the entire UMD mass – but already attended mass today, in my home parish!)

  7. Getting to know you, getting to know everything about you, dum du dum du dum, sing us a song you're the piano….man, hmmm how can a piano sing man eh eh eh ye's is the only yes, have never seen a path with a pile of nose laying on it yet, if it were they would say yes to being picked πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good crack would be the path too, a man or woman with ocd would say no to stepping on that path

  8. We should absolutely surrender to the lord and serve him. I just want to let you guys know we are saved (permanently) by grace through faith. You serve the lord as a reasonable service.


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