Demons and Mental Health

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all three of the major Abrahamic faiths of the world believe in the demonic, in this video, we will be answering the question of whether or not demons can influence mental health, and my own and others’ experiences with Muslim Sufi Mystics.

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23 thoughts on “Demons and Mental Health”

  1. Well done!
    I trust in God (or Allah as my friend always says) and have tethered my camel. I also enjoyed the laughter. Thank you, Richard.
    “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
    Yes, it is a spiritual war. And I always refer to the One's experience to learn how to conduct myself. (fail daily, but He is forgiveness embodied). What did He say to Peter? Matthew 16:23
    23 But he turned and said to Peter, t“Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
    Jesus was keeping His boundaries in tact and turning away from the thought of not completing His mission, obeying God and showing the world how God wants us to experience this life now and be with Him for eternity. God wants us to Live!
    Keep those boundaries! 🙂
    I once had an experience with an external force of fear. I was paralyzed with fear. hmmm. What's the opposite of that? The peace that passes understanding?
    I am going to state something that is rarely talked about in distinct terms. Trials, accidents, tests, and worse, abuse and downright evil. Who or what does this. Does God? According to the book of Job, God gives permission. For those who love God, He uses it for good. He also uses it for judgment so that the person (or nation) can turn around (repent) and end the permission of evil they in fact have been participating in and start a new life of very good living!
    Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas as we celebrate the One sent to save us and teach us what boundaries really work. heh.

  2. this is the perfect view when it comes to evillness, We have to be aware of that they exist, but we also should not be swayed or anxious by that because as long as we are aware and ask protection they cant affect us

  3. As someone who does entity removals there are several aspects to this problem that need to be addressed. 1. The existence of negative entities 2. Your vulnerability to attracting them to you and 3. Your attitude to dealing with them. Re 1. yes they exist as I have experienced having some attached to me, and I am sensitive enough to pickup on when others have entities attached to them (my internal experience) and my customers list symptoms that confirm they have them (their internal experience). They are particularly more pernicious the stronger the mental health problem you have because your neural pathways are so negatively ingrained by trauma and by the negative mental looping of suggestions by these entities. Watch my videos if you want more info on other symptoms like e.g. NOT SLEEPING. 2. Unhealed trauma leaves your energy field open to infiltration by entities because you are a match to them. The low negative unhealed emotions and limiting beliefs created by trauma create your low frequency set point, which attracts negative entities who have a similar setpoint. So doing healing trauma work is crucial in any case. Re 3. It is imperative that people, once they have the entity removal done take responsibility for tightening their boundaries in day to day life, so they keep their energy field intact, preventing new entities from attaching (via other abusive entity-riddled people). It's about stepping into your power and speaking up for yourself. If you think you can just passively go to an exorcist like me and just have it removed, and then everything will be ok, you are seriously not taking responsibility for cleaning up your energy or maintaining it. If you do this you do not need to 'worry' about demons/entities because you are embodying your power 😉 So conclusion: you need to do the spiritual cleansing AND inner mental/emotional work at the same time to get the best results. Contact me for entity removal via my youtube channel only if you are serious about doing the inner work as well. keep up the good work Richard!

  4. I believe that evil wants us to focus all of our time and attention on it. It wants to be feared, hold that power over us, and drain us of hope and faith. But, it is a waste of our energy to strictly focus on the evil in this world. At the same time it would be foolish and unempathetic to fail to recognize it's existence. If we do, we fail to protect and stand up for the innnocent and vulnerable. Not causing harm, just isn't enough. Goodness is an action, just like wickedness is. Regardless of how or what inspires or influences one to behave either way. It doesn't matter whether we're talking actual or imaginary spirits (dark or light). Our actions, our choices, create our reality. Just consider the fact that most psychopaths choose not to commit sadicious acts, even though they are born lacking empathy. Perhaps they control their impulses simply for fear of losing their freedom, but it doesn't matter. What matters is how they choose to behave. The fabric of reality, of society, is woven by choice. I will not relinquish my power to choose how I live, to forces that desire me to do just that.

  5. Fear not. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. You’ll do best by filling your mind and meditating on things true, noble. reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious- the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; the best, not the worst; things to praise, not things to curse. No weapon fashioned against you shall succeed…(Ike). Love is the highest form of spiritual warfare. Put on the helmet, belt, shoes, shield, breastplate and the sword of the Spirit so that you can “stand against the wiles of the devil.” Fight the good fight of faith. Not terrified by your adversaries. The message.

  6. All animals including humans have a blood brain barrier designed to keep biological entities from entering the brain. Many of these organizations/parasites hnow how to manipulate the behavior of the host. Torrette syndrome is thought to be caused by streptococcus A. There are countless examples of parasites that can manipulate animal behavior. Toxoplasma gondyii which effects a mouse behavior to make it atractive to cat urine, ensures toxoplasmos survival. There's a worm that gets into a muse's brain and leads it to water where the worm gets out of the muse's body to complete it's life cycle. The rabies virus finds the spot in your brain that makes you bite to transmit itself. These aren't demons. But they are entities. About 2000 different kinds are living inside you and on your skin and in your eyelashes and eyebrows. Some of them around your genitals. A human is a perfect host. It's estimated that 50% of humans carry toxoplasmosis. And studys are being conducted now to see how this protazoa is effecting human behavior. On related note, it is dangerous to assume that god is good. God, has all the traits of a phychopath. He's jealous, he's vindictive, and narcissistic, to name a small portion of his traits. It is a mistake to trust god ,you must trust yourself, and act on your own volition. Do not ask for guidance, that does not come from you, it may very well be the guidance of another organization, that is not concerned with your best interest and well being. "Demons" are our first attempt at understanding this. However we need to through this concept out and go with facts. The things we understand about rabies. Demons and Angeles are woooo. We hnow better now. Skunks are peculiarly vonerable to rabies, and it's because they are peculiarly innocent. They are an innocent participant in life that causes no harm whatsoever. A skunk is particularly vonerable to rabies specically because he's so pure and innocent. He's so basic. There no Demons, however, there are entities that we hnow about. We have facts. In my humble opinion, god is not good. And we must follow our own volition , and own it. Otherwise we will not survive, as humans. And I'd not not like to see that happen. We've got lots to be proud of. However ,our lack of shame may do us in. Please, don't believe in a god that doesn't understand the concept of forgiveness. Don't do this. It's wrong. Forgiveness does not require a torture murder. And it can only come from within. You must forgive yourself. Difficult, i hnow, however it's the only way.

  7. You can give people the power of hnowledge, but you can't know exactly what they we'll do with it . But being honest is the best we can do. It's fucking hard, i hnow but it's the best way.

  8. With all due respect you’re right that there are demons and there are angels there is God and there is Satan. You can be influenced by any of those the differences God doesn’t come into us and possess us Satan does he tries to destroy us the only way that God comes into a close relationship with you is when you ask him to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior, that’s what you have to do to be worthy to go to heaven. If you don’t do that you’re wide open, you basically are in Satan‘s territory and he’s going to do whatever he can to try to destroy you. You can become possessed all kinds of bad stuff can happen. People play with tarot cards and psychics and séances, Ouija boards, and all that stuff that is all demonic that is all from the occult and you are messing with actual demons when you are doing that that’s who are present when these things appear to give answers and move, and I’ll kinds of things, beware of people.

  9. Some may think I might be demon possessed, but No I have the power of GOD on my side. Sometimes I might come across a little threatening, but I am kind most of the time. But one thing is for sure, no one better Cross me much less double cross me because my Wrath can be really strong! If necessary I'll be the most dangerous person in the room, even by silence! Unfortunately I've had to get a backbone during these final days moments were in

  10. if a shepherd dog attacks a person and the shepherd is nearby, the best way to deal with the dog is to tell the shepherd to take care of your dog. who attacks me, the shepherd can easily control the dog, one should ask God to take away the devil, all the negative voices in our minds are temptations of the devil

  11. Just a few days ago I was trying to explain how I thought they could cause car crashes making people suddenly fall asleep driving or cause someone to have sudden evil visions of bad things happening to people they care about. It's pretty neat the timing of this video.. 💚💚💚


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