Demo Check! Layer Section and Galactic Attack – S-Tribute – Nintendo Switch

Hey everyone!

Stoked to learn Layer Section is coming to Switch on April 28th (according to the JP eShop release date). I actually just learned about this game yesterday from a buddy and am already loving how this plays! Automatic day1 purchase for me!


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18 thoughts on “Demo Check! Layer Section and Galactic Attack – S-Tribute – Nintendo Switch”

  1. It's weird this is a Taito game because it's basically the logical progression of Xevious, a NAMCO title.

    Here's a question: does the original version have slowdown, and if so, does this version have a "Comfort Mode" like Aleste Collection that alleviates it? I've decided I will only re-buy shmups I already own elsewhere (i.e. Taito Legends) if they eliminate lag or add new content. Was not happy with G-Darius HD because the "HD" is barely there and it still has pretty bad slowdown, most egregiously in the very first stage.

  2. Ah okay so one thing thats interesting about this port, is that it is the saturn version right, so – the original saturn port ( and I'm assuming this version too ) have a "TATE" mode where you can play as the FULL game, and then this weird squashed mode where the saturn is trying to fit all the pixels onto a regular screen ( a lot of saturn ports have this ) I wonder of this tribute will have both options! thanks for getting this out SO quick geez! πŸ™‚

  3. This is a great game. I got into Saturn collecting late, around 2017, but Galactic Attack along with Astal were the first games I got. I really liked that all the levels were continuous, starting in space, going planet side, and then going deeper and deeper into the planet. I never beat this, the upper levels get incredibly difficult.

  4. This was the second game I bought for my Saturn behind PanzerDragoon, & a big reason why I preferred Saturn over PlayStation one. I wish this re-release included the sequel Rayforce "RayStorm" but still very excited the first one is reaching a whole new audience with this release.

  5. Looks pretty sweet, first I've seen of it. Speaking of coming soon is anybody picking up Z Warp, I'm thinking it's called? It looks pretty wild and over the top.

  6. Thanks a lot, I'll surely try the demo! I'll surely buy the game, I'm playing the original version on Egret II mini and I like the game a lot. The new version for current consoles will have added features so for me is a must buy, but I hope for a physical edition!


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