DEMAND LETTER: Time Is Ticking In California

A Los Angeles area government policy directly bans renting any city-owned facility for “religious worship,” while allowing numerous other uses, in direct violation of the First Amendment.

The ACLJ swiftly took action after becoming aware of an unconstitutional policy being applied to a City of Manhattan Beach resident attempting to rent space in a city-owned building for a religious gathering. We took swift action and have just sent a demand letter to the city.

#california #news #religion


33 thoughts on “DEMAND LETTER: Time Is Ticking In California”

  1. Now you have explained who you are could you move on to what you stand for and your core beliefs around the conflict??? Utter nonsense, narcissistic gaslighting, hollow rhetoric. 💚🍓

  2. We love ACLJ for all the work they do! I know these are difficult times, but if you can afford it, please send what little amount you can afford! They are true PATRIOTS! ❤🎉

  3. I love it that you JUST STAND up. My own favorite method, actually. HOLD your liberty, all of it, let nothing go and fear nothing. If you want slavery, use ANY other method. Trust God.

  4. I use to live in Playa del Rey and Rancho Palos Verdes..High Majority of Southern California vote DEMOCRAT…. I sure hope this gets out and people who vote DEMOCRAT will think again….

  5. It great what you do and i love you guys but very upset that you didnt want any part of the suit to remove the gag order off president trump the 1 amendment our freedom of speech

  6. Can we all here really enjoying real honest news, please support by giving a “ Like”. It’s easy and it helps get a little more money for their tireless work to protect us and our Constitution.

  7. So, can a bakery refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple!? It seems that in this day and age they can! Also, were there no other facilities for these people to rent?

  8. Manhattan Beach knows they are going to lose!! They were just waiting for someone to challenge them and it has happened!! Manhattan Beach, you have lost the challenge. Just change your policy and religious groups use your facilities in peace.

  9. I was BORN in Los Angeles, CAL in 1961. I've seen it SPIRAL DOWN the DRAIN, especially under the ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the DEMOC-RATS.

    The DEMOC-RATS have had a SUPER MAJORITY for maybe a DECADE….


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