Far Cry 4 is 9 YEARS OLD…

Far Cry 4 is now officially nine years old as it released on November 18th, 2014. Far Cry 4 is my favorite game of the series and it’s unbelievable how well the game holds up in 2023. I just wanted to quikcly revisit the game and talk about what I love about it for it’s 9th birthday…

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29 thoughts on “Far Cry 4 is 9 YEARS OLD…”

  1. My favourite farcry too. Not perfect, but I loved it. The setting, immersion, characters and atmosphere. Also far more weapons than Farcry 3 or Farcry 5. But the gameplay in FC4 was sometimes clunky/buggy, and most missions were too repetitive.

  2. My personal issue with Far Cry 4 was the pacing. Just a few hours into the game, I already had my silenced weapons and even a flying vehicle to go wherever I pleased. This is a horrid design choice because these overpowered tools, weapons and flying traversal machines should be a reward somewhere through mid game, and early on the game should be focused on traversing lesser portions of the game on foot/cars via the roads and climbing the mountains. You don't even get to be acquainted with your surroundings and you're already flying around. Feels like having access to cheats.

  3. Lets be real, we all knew this game was goated when we did that mission for Amita (Advanced Chemistry) and got totally blasted in that factory, while MC Jogi was playing with low echoes and laughter in the backround.

  4. FarCry 4 is a magnificent game. Talk of old I played the original FarCry when it first came out on PC before Ubisoft took over. I played every single one. Looking forward to FarCry7 and FarCry Multiplayer. Also looking forward to the Avatar too.

  5. Far Cry 4 setting, in fictional Nepal is the best. Although at the cost of 20+ GB more than FC3.
    Although any story after FC2, is just not as good, FC2 story was philosophical, FC3 is also, but FC4? More like the Devs misunderstand why the real Nepal Civil wars happen.

    PS: It's happen because Nepal rely on heavy export of raw materials, which the country as a entirety does not benefits, but only the Monarchy. Nepal was stuck in a feudalist social and economic system, it's wasn't capable of producing end product, nor many of the products it's people, need, instead it's rely on import of overprices Items from it's former colonizer, British, which takes up more loans than Nepal Gold and other raw mineral export can paid for, plus the absolute majority of the economic gains, wealth that come from the trades, are owns by the Monarchy and some foreign private interest, leaving the rest of the countries, being filled with literal Serf, peasants and never enough jobs or necessarily products for modern life, like basic heating, electricity, communication line, flipping proper roads, thing that are nearly exclusives to the Monarchy holding only.

    The Maoist fought to usher in a government where it's had to industrializes enough of the country in order to produces much needed commodity for domestics usages, without the need to import from the outside, and an industrializes sectors to be capable of competing with foreign producers. It's also aims to nationalizes Nepal limited Natural resources and uses it's earns to benefits Nepal as a country, not just the Monarchy, which often when on a purges of themselves each dozens years or so, and let the population, it's people to deals with the consequences of a crippling economy, the lacks of an industrialize production sectors, almost no protection to farmers, and 90% of lands are owns by a handful of the Elite and Royalty.

  6. This game holds a special place for me. South Asian cultures were so underrepresented in US media at the time, and Far Cry 4 was so refreshing in that regard.

  7. Really 2014 showed us that graphic improvement has hit its limits, that many games from that year still look very good compared to games of upcoming years. The gameplay and weapon selection in far cry 4 is probably the best i have played compared other far cry games. Although i consider far cry 3 and primal more fun because of the story and setting compared to 4.

  8. While FC3 has a better story, 4 has far better gameplay – a more refined way of getting around the world and completing tasks and missions. It’s the first game I ever completed 100% on, and my fav Far Cry game.


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