Delphi murder update: Evidence against suspected child killer released

In this special installment of True Crime Daily The Podcast: An update on the Delphi murder case. New court documents have been released, detailing some of the evidence used to arrest suspect Richard Allen for the alleged killings of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

Mike King joins host Ana Garcia.

Read the full documents here:

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48 thoughts on “Delphi murder update: Evidence against suspected child killer released”

  1. Fox59 is reporting that Richard Allen was overlooked early on because of a โ€œclerical error โ€œ as to where and how his information was stored. They cite unnamed sources โ€”- but that would explain why the massive delay.

  2. This guy is too neutral for me. Too politically correct. Of course law says, innocent until proven guilty.
    I'm not a Richard Allen fan after seeing this stuff….
    I'd be a bad jury menber

  3. Couldnโ€™t they show Allenโ€™s photo to the witnesses back then in a photo line up? Like, was any of these the guy you saw? Show them the video as well, was this the bloody/muddy guy? What am I missing here?

  4. Something in my gut is telling me this man is being framed. When the police searched his home they found a gun, took an unspent bullet, and voila. Investigators are under so much pressure that they will just pick someone and go full throttle to convict them so that everyone can move on. Happens all the time innocent people get ruined to appease the community. Isn't there DNA evidence? I'm not remembering if there was DNA, if so, test that shit! .

  5. I cant imaginรฉ what his wifeโ€™s going through. Imagine being married to someone that did this and having no idea this is what they were doing.
    Itโ€™s honestly not too shocking, look up the dozens of p3d0 vigilantes that regularly and daily out โ€œnormalโ€ people who Are luring children to meet them in person.

  6. Iโ€™m sorry no offense. I fully believe this guy is a monster but when she makes the comment about how unbelievable it was that no one new could locate the guy who owned a blue jacket, I was in shock at how ridiculously stupid she sounded. She is not very smart and is a buffoon in my opinion. A blue jacket? Seriously? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I had to rewind it and listen again to be sure my ears were working correctly lol. And the guy actually laughs at her and you can tell what heโ€™s thinking. My 4 year old could do her job and be much more successful. I cringe every time she tries to act like she has talent. She only goes over details that anyone can find themselves. This chick is trash

  7. "Fish" is slang for girls or women, it's a dirty joke about a fishy personal odor. I think RA was mocking LE with a little double entendre when he said he went to watch the "fish" on the bridge.

  8. Everyone in the comments claiming "I know this guy is a monster…"
    How do you know this?
    Please explain because as far as I can tell, there's no real proof, and there's a chance he could be found not-guilty.
    Please don't say it's "his eyes are creepy" cuz photoshop.

  9. I just wanna know why ……………….the grim details of this awful crime………….have always been a secret.
    Please don't pretend you're protecting the girls.

    Why on earth don't we know manner of death, anything about the abduction, the scene, CSA, murder weapon, whether they were r worded after death, defence wounds?
    And cops want us to believe it's a local??????????? Pleeease stop.
    That info is crucial in capturing the bad guy/s.
    Killers have a signature.
    Release the grim details, someone will know who the killer/s is/are.
    Unless the cops knew all along and killer is connected/protected peeed oh.

  10. if ur wondering why US has sooo many monsters, it's because US has no Society
    USians are encouraged to vote against themselves and always do
    they all vote against society by voting against giving their fellow americans social security #welfare thinking they'll never need help, and usually end up needing help, like rightwingnut ayn rand

  11. According to leaks, it was a bloodbath, no defence wounds though. Points to someone who is skilled with a knife. If RA is a cluts with a blade, he's a fall guy.
    Necrosadism is common amongst the criminally sadistic. Rape after the victim is dead.
    Jimmy the fixer Savile was a necrosadist.

  12. I hate to say but so many of us have overlooked BG meaning that – that is NO hat he is wearing! that is his hair! I researched the photos very closely and if you really focus? on his head? You will see he has a part in his hair on top his head toward going to the back of top of head… It has been overlooked. Suspect has light brown hair

  13. Are there 25 big guys in town that buy the same damn stuff from the same damn store, what about the hat or boots he's wearing. Jesus Mary and Joseph when are we going to stop buying cheap crappy Chinese camera's. What good are they if they are being used in the wrong application? Just because it's a camera, that doesn't mean it's the right camera! Get help, stop doing this yourself!

  14. I hope to God they look deeply into what he may have done to his own kids. God forbid, but based on the allegations and overwhelming amount of evidence on this man, the chances of him not harming his own kids (IF he were to be guilty) would be slim to none.

  15. So glad they finally got Abby & Libby's killer!

    Ana, do you think that they'll release anymore of the affidavit? Or do you think the 8 pages will be it, until the trial?

    I can not believe he still had the gun & the blue jacket! Unbelievable! Just unbelievable!

    #DelphiStrong ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโค

  16. All a preponderance does in criminal investigations

    Is result in the bs scenarios you are pondering here .

    Speculation results in lies , falsifying evidence , hiding evidence , all to the purposeful ends of corrupt detectives , witnesses and prosecutors and judges and juries ,
    To wrongfully convict and incarcerate or execute the innocent .

    Deal in facts – Not convenient bs contrary speculation ,
    to the ends of subjecting convenience to suit your speculation of guilt upon another .

  17. Just looking at the photo of the girls is heartbreaking. They were so young and now so much time has passed I'm sure they'd be in college by now living their lives to the fullest. Shame shame shame on RA. I am so glad he was arrested. Sick fluck.

  18. If him being bewildered and in love with his wife of 30 years is the only thing his attorneys can come up with then it's a wrap. Pot belly Rick is toast!

  19. What an idiot this Mr. Allen is. He put himself and his items everywhere around that crime scene and then went back to making lemon phosphates for the townsfolk. I donโ€™t believe a dog undressed those poor little girls. That was done by a human predator. Then another victim sees a man โ€œbloody and muddyโ€ in the immediate area? Ugh.

  20. First time I've ever heard of an unspent bullet. This woman drives me nuts. She'll bring up something and jump to something else. As a journalist she said she's careful of what she says on the podcast. Give me a break! All you journalists are pathetic.

  21. I'm not understanding why people are harrasing his wife. Unless she had something to do with the crimes she's suffering as well. Imagine the emotional turmoil she's experiencing within herself and questioning their entire relationship.

  22. Dogs and/or wild animals would not disrobe a person before scavenging on their remains. That's ludicrous to even say that…maybe a shoe or a hat would come off but as for their clothes!? Not a chance!! That sick bastard made them disrobe at gunpoint, their bodies were obviously naked or in underwear and their clothing was found in the river!! That's basically what the report says ffs!!!

  23. This is unimaginably heartbreaking for the child victims and their families. This man is pure evil to do this to these sweet kids. I pray the Lord, Who loves children, brings justice for these families.


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