Delete Lawz and Police stalks?

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35 thoughts on “Delete Lawz and Police stalks?”

  1. Video in summary, send me videos of you being paranoid about the police stalking you, make sure its narrated, so I can play them and get paid for exploiting you. Its ok to video with your camera whilst driving, killing pedestrian, animals, other drivers, even yourself is fine as long as you document , smuggle it out of prison to me or will I to me, so I can post it and make money. If its good I will make a fake fundraiser and make a nice sum off your problems! This is my personal take !
    Keep up the fantastic content best wishes from London X

  2. Always remember: Social Security does indeed protect Americans security. It's in the name. Or do you want most 70+ folks, with no "retirement," to be homeless, with no medical care, sleeping on the streets? Peace and respect, we are better than that.

  3. I'll be so glad when somebody brings up the body cam from the police officers that pulled over chili that's what we want to see. Transparency remember Chile what happened before you started recording or live streaming. And why didn't you try your trifold did you lose it again

  4. Stop being a criminal and there surveillance, not stalking will end they probably want to be there when that last brain cell erupts and he does something very stupid and dangerous

  5. I’ll have to disagree with you Oleg at the end of your video about “a majority of our taxes go where they need too go” Hell no they don’t 😂😅😂 other than that great live

  6. Alright Shirley what are you working on now are you going to finish up your bar exam in California what about that board game what about wiping all out all of these other video people that you wanted to wipe off the face of the Earth which is it now chili is it overturned Terry is going to break all copses back what's the new scoop of the day chili

  7. I think he’s talking about a senior citizen who had Alzheimer’s when to Walmart picked up a few things and forgot to pay she was walking home when a very aggressive cop stopped her she looked very small didn’t weigh no more then 100 pounds he threw her around like a rig doll and they thought it was funny good to they where all fired

  8. Love how chilito the POS says things happen to him that fit his little narrative to grift…… I call BS…… this dude blocked me again from his channel because he can’t take the criticism……

  9. 😂😂😂 Angry little man isn’t he😂😂😂 What a Clown 🤡🤡🤡 He just doesn’t understand why everyone is laughing at him.🤡🤡🤡
    He thinks he should be allowed to do whatever he wants when he wants. Sorry sweetie it doesn’t work like that🤦🏼‍♀️Poor little guy😆😂

  10. Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium.

  11. Jose “Chille” Maria Decastro blows goats. This is not defamation per se. I have proof. Actual video of Jose “Chille” Maria Decastro with a goat pecker in his mouth. He moans while he throats it. Bc he’s a sick f*cker.

  12. Isn't this the guy that was going to Michigan and follow some judge around and film her every move? Ditto a cop a in Mass.? And he talks about cops stalking people? What a doofus.6:45😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.

  13. Perhaps in the criminal mind…….. that guilty paranoia equates to stalking. Listen dip shit, you drive around with years expired tags and get rolled…… is this the new grifter buzzword for “ donations”? Police are now stalking random people.. yea ok shit for brains


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