Decoding China’s politics, ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ & 2021 ‘historic’ resolution, ahead of CCP congress

At the 20th National Congress of CCP which will be held on 16 October, President Xi Jinping is likely be appointed for a third term as the leader. Watch Episode 877 of Cut The Clutter, where ThePrint’s Editor-in-chief @ShekharGupta looks back at the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘historic’ resolution last year, enshrining ‘Xi Jinping Thought’.

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28 thoughts on “Decoding China’s politics, ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ & 2021 ‘historic’ resolution, ahead of CCP congress”

  1. Why shouldn't india become a part of China instead of staying as the absolute irrelevant country that barely wins 2 medals in Olympics?

    Don't give me nonsense patriotism and emotions, give me actual economic and strategic reason why india becoming a province of China would not be better for indians than it is right now…

  2. I enjoy and gain a lot from your articles. But when it comes to China, it comes across to me as not being objective. the pieces seems biased and tailored for the Indian masses (of course I am an Indian too).

  3. It is in India’s interests that media is focusing on China. It helps india to build up military infrastructure and non dependence on foreign nations for Indian pepole’s needs.Chinese military and people are aging thereby capabilities are deteriorating gradually

  4. I find china style of government very effective they have transformed china from a poor country to the world's largest economy in 2028 will overtake the United States, india should have good relationship with china then only india can survive because china will rule the world after 2030

  5. I thought "The Print" is an unbiased media providing quality journalism to Indians as Shekar Ji leading the charge but when it comes to China it feels like you're not being pragmatic or objective, the contents about China is just spewing the hate peddling west's narrative, Atleast please don't go to the extent of WION which I believe a Nazi like entity in journalism funded by hindutva lobby groups..

  6. China is barbaric and imperialist country. Throw china out from UNO. China should be punished by 4o trillion dollar as compensation for victims of virus. China is responsible for biological warfare against humanity.ccp is a threat to human civilization. World community should unite against Chinese aggression in Taiwan and India. Stop all trades with china. Isolate China from global community.other countries should learn the lessons from srilanka ,Pakistan, myanmar, nepal, Bangladesh and laos. These countries first debt traped by virus and now facing civilwar.

  7. Sir, I think your comments and explanations are too subjective, this is the way a typical Indian scholar sees the world. My Indian teacher is also like this. He can't even convince himself of his understanding of democracy and dictatorship. He said that China is a dictatorship, and Saudi Arabia and Turkey are democracies. Mob politics does not equal democracy. I think China's political system is no different from that of the United States. It's just that one chooses one from another, and the one who is capable goes to the top.

  8. This is so lame. Showing a 9 month old episode as if it's a latest show! Is this what we subscribe to the print for?

    Really disappointed to see such carelessness.

  9. 习近平的政策之所以能取得中国人民的支持,更重要的是对中国国内的发展。扶贫和反腐是习近平过去十年做的好事。至于台湾问题,和对外关系的问题,习近平没有选择。倘若习近平允许台湾独立,第二天,就会发生全国暴动,习近平的尸体会被人民挂在天安门广场。对于中国,永远是国内发展优先于国际关系。

  10. Good work. Finally we pivot towards the relevant competitors rather than the mundane run of the mill laggards. Like the tounge in cheek peppered in between. Wonder when we'd see a seismic shift in the cockfight channels and more preference given to educating the masses rather than keep on dishing out gutkha news to keep everyone sedated.


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