Death toll in Lahaina wildfire rises to 99 as hundreds remain unaccounted for

The death toll in the fire-ravaged town of Lahaina rose to 99 on Tuesday, as recovery crews with cadaver dogs continued to search the hardest-hit areas.

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21 thoughts on “Death toll in Lahaina wildfire rises to 99 as hundreds remain unaccounted for”

  1. Your own Government is at war with you the citizens/everyday people of USA.
    The Government did this, its obviously pre-planned. No Emergency Siren Alerts, No Text-Alerts, Powerlines were still active, Oprah & Bezo's helping out only because they want to look good and helpful yet they want the land of Lahaina. Also Maui been subject to Smart Cities and AI intergrated transport and economy. Agenda 2030 etc. Chrome Rims on cars and trucks melted? Must of been hotter than 1000 degrees celsius.
    So many tell tale signs that this was not natural by any means!

  2. Give the people the donations, how stupid of a system to withhold all the donations from the people that need it badly. I wonder if the people have to starve before getting any food. Green needs to do better I'm glad I didn't vote for him.

  3. Be Alert. But the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 1 Peter 3.10 – 12

  4. US government needs to send out some stimulus checks to all those homeless and poor people that continue to struggle. Lot of Gov waste that could be channeled over to the poor people in USA and stop helping other countries! Wake up congrees!!!

  5. 99? 1000? They don’t even try to make it seem not sketch. They’ll never admit there’s 4 digit fatalities let alone 3. Unbelievable they need to get out the guillotine for how they’ve handled this and continue to handle this, disrespecting the lives lost with their jugglery

  6. The severe red flag fire warnings had been issued the days before… because of the nearby hurricane…

    Fires were already burning on Maui and in Hawaii, before the Lahaina fire…

    The Governor was not in the State when the Lahaina fire started…

    The Maui Fire Chief was not on the island of Maui when the fire started… and burned down Lahaina…

    The Director of emergency services and preparedness was not on the island… (Warning Sirens)

    The police closed the only safe way out of town… forcing people back into the fire…

    The firefighters put out the brush fire outside town earlier in the day and canceled the evacuation order for the edge of town…

    The firefighters left… Leaving no firefighters to monitor the brush fire… area…

    A few hours later the red flag winds arrived as forecast and the brush fire rekindled…

    Everyone died and Lahaina Town was burned to the ground… with no firefighters anywhere around…

    No warning was given, no Warning Sirens…

    No fire and safety coordination … No police or firefighters driving around Lahaina warning people to leave…

    No sirens alerting people to take a look… wake up and see what is happening… Nothing…

    As one local has said, They could not have done less, if they had tried…

    One sign of a conspiracy is when all the responsible parties are somehow absent from the scene of the crime… and have their alibi of … “I wasn’t there “…

    Don’t believe anything the police or fire department or major or Governor has to say…

    There is a coverup going on… and especially don’t listen to the police chief…

    The fire was traveling very fast but not spreading at 60 miles an hour…

    Those who could run fast enough did outrun the fire…

    People run on average maybe 6 miles an hour… not 60 miles an hour…

    The police and fire department and emergency services… all use two way radios to communicate… not cell phones… and the radios were always working…

    There is a smoking gun… more akin to a sawed-off double barrel shotgun…

    “Governor Josh Green, M.D., has been traveling out of state from Sunday, July 30 and will return Tuesday, August 15. Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke has been serving as acting Governor …

    To be available to respond to the impacts of Hurricane Dora, Lieutenant Governor Luke will no longer be traveling out of state the week of August 8, and as such will perform the duties of acting Governor through Tuesday, August 15, until Governor Green returns to the state in the afternoon.”

    “Maui Fire Chief Ventura, however, was off island during the blaze and didn’t return to Maui until the morning after, on Wednesday, according to Maui County Communications Director Mahina Martin. Martin wouldn’t say where Ventura had been.”

    “Meanwhile, Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya was also off island and did not return to Maui until Tuesday night at the earliest”


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