BAD BATCH Season 2 Episode 13 BREAKDOWN: Every Star Wars EASTER EGG

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Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey (
Edited by Harriet Lengel-Enright and Brianna McLarty

#badBatch #Episode13 #Breakdown

Now on the surface this might seem like an episode where nothing happens. No jedi or clone saga or empire–but actually, it’s a personal story that I think is going to be a pivot point for the entire series. Like in season 3, we’ll look back and say, “yes, that was the episode where it all started to change.”

After the extremely dark dive in veterans’ issues fomr last week, it was nice to get a straight up adventure story as a palate cleanser, as the bad Batch goes to…Space Greece. [I got chills!]

Wrong Greece…I meant this one [clip]. But let’s give you what you want, how about some easter eggs.

The star wars intro has been changing slightly with every show. Last week the armorer was added into the Mandlroains’ intro. And in this episode, we start with grievous, an X-wing pilot helmet, Chopper from rebels, clone trooper helmet, a droid commando, don;t know this one tell me in the comments, an imperial cadet helmet, also form rebels, Bo katan, and finally on a current clone trooper helmet.

But my favorite easter egg of the episode is a bg hin about what’s going to happen in the first scene. Outside this aurebesh sign reads “Club Lao Che.”

Doug: That sounds familiar.

It’s because Lao Che was the villain from the opening sequence of Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom. A few episodes ago we pointed out that the show borrowed the story and aesthetic of that movie. But here, it’s full of homage.

Temple of Doom opens in a swanky club, with Indy making a deal with some gangsters for a valuable artifact. Ore that in a sec though. Outside the bar we see lots of species form the os eisley cantina, maybe a tribute to that original star wars bar scene. There’s an arcona, a Bith, always lots of twi’leks, a snivvian, and inside there’s an aqualisa playing Sabaac. The aqualish is also drseed like the kenner action figure of ponda boba, the guy fucked around and founf out in a new hope.

And the drink here reads “oota goota rodian um.” Rum is a pretty classic star wars drink, because it’s very old in our universe, and Star wars is all about taking ancient concepts like knights and repurposing them in a sci-fi setting. So if this said “oota goota cider” it wouldn;t quite be the same. Rodian is of course the species of Greedo, forming a new hope.

But also, “Oota goota” is widely thought to be the first words that Greedo says to Han in a new hope [clip]. And of course, we all know Greedo’s classic last words [mackunkley!] Never…listen to me…never not funny.

The rum is being served by a protocol droid and an astromech droid, a clear nod to Threeepio and Artoo, but a reverse of their roles in Jedi, when Aetoo was but the server, and Threepio was the interpreter. [clip]

And then we get the return of Wanda Sykes’ Phee Genoa, who I’ve really grown to like. When she started off this season, we were made to think she’s an untrustworthy prate like Cid. but then we got that episode that was a nod to la indiana jones and the last crusade, where she develops a fondness of omega [clip].

And in this episode, we see that Phee Genoa is not trying to make a profit from these artifacts. She really is like Indiana Jones [it belongs in a museum]. In fact, this whole scene is lifted straight from the opening of the temple of doom. They exchange the artifacts and the bad guy gives the hero poison–but unlike Indy, Phee is wise to the trick [I don’t like poison].

And then they use these assassin bugs to come after her. These look an awful lot like the Kouhun–the same insects that zam wessel used to attack padme in attack of the clones.


36 thoughts on “BAD BATCH Season 2 Episode 13 BREAKDOWN: Every Star Wars EASTER EGG”

  1. I hate to be THAT guy but the first clone helmet is crosshairs from the clone wars and first few episodes of this show, and the last one is hunters not an average clone. You can tell because the visor strip only goes across the face on hunters helmet but the regular phase two clone helmet goes across then is pulled down into a t shape in the middle. Not that missing this would detract from the video at all though.

  2. I think cid is going to capture phee and torture her to tell where the bad batch were and will contact the empire and the bad batch would get caught by the empire and will get turned into dark trooper and omega will be used to control nale si

  3. Wife and I watched it finally, she pointed out the fog-horn-lighthouse thing looks very similar to the Jedi Temple on Bogano in Fallen Order. Phee keeps artifacts there perhaps because it's a Jedi vault?

  4. You really brought up Chris Kyle when you said "defending your country". Holy the American brain disease. Sniper. Invading wars for oil are not defending your country. He stated=fantasized about killing "people making trouble" in the aftermath of Katrina from the top of the New Orleans Superdome. Damn. I thought you'd be better are doing investigations and correlations. Every time when Americans are presented as benevolent defenders, just check again. 🙂

  5. I just noticed something on my rewatch. At the end of Cid's transmission she says, you'd do well not to think I'm just threatening you boys. That has 2 meanings. With emphasis on threatening, it would be how everyone takes it. But it can also show that she's threatening Omega, which is where this season is headed. Just wanted to share. Thanks!

  6. The Bad Batch has been freaking amazing this season, but I have to say I found this episode to be pretty cringey. There was absolutely no subtlety at all, from the tone shift in Cid's transmission, to Pabu being ridiculously perfect, to Phee somehow knowing her drink was poisoned and only using her treasure hunting skills to reclaim things for charity (where did she get the suitcase of money to pay for that sculpture if she donates everything she finds?!)

    I also have to say, I'm glad to see Wanda Sykes finally trying to play someone who isn't just snarky, sassy, and rude (NOW she's snarky, sassy, and cocky! ….albeit with a kindhearted streak) but her voice acting was kind of terrible, at least in this episode. (Plus I'm starting to get tired of her being in absolutely EVERYTHING.) Shep and the old man were pretty bad as well, but the young girl who befriended Omega was pretty good. I hate to criticize in that way, but it took me out of the immersion.

  7. Isn't the tree a uneti tree/jedi tree ? Sure looks like one. That would make the relic temple an old jedi temple. That would be awesome to maybe start exploring Omega as the first atempt at a jedi clone


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