Dealing with Grief

In this video, we address tips on how to deal with grief after a tragedy or loss through personal experience and religious guidance.


44 thoughts on “Dealing with Grief”

  1. Wallahi I needed this. I’m going through it. We lost our daughter at 5 months. Very painful. If anyone’s reading this, there’s a hole in our hearts. An adjustment that feels impossible, life and time feels stuck. Did everything right. Asked for a perfect baby. Allah took her back. It’s hard to accept.. big dreams, vision and plans. Allah has a plan. Forgive me everyone and please dua for me. I will dua for everyone and especially you shiek Bilal.

  2. 59:00 Dear Sheikh Belal. It’s beautiful, that you hug your daughter, mashaaAllah tabarakAllah. Because some dads never hug their daughters 😢 So to me it’s not “just a hug”. It’s a wonderful act. May Allah reward you and your family insha Allah.

  3. Fudayl bin Iyadh رحمه الله said:

    ‎"When Allah loves a servant He increases his grief and whenever He dislikes a servant He expands his worldly possessions."

    ‎(سِيــــرْ أعــلام النُبـــَلاَء ٣٣٨/٤)

  4. Brother Belal. I have lost my youngest son was 8yr old in 2018. Since then I have got more closer connections to Allah. And I accept connection with orphans took as replace my love. I have MashAllah 3 other children. Your speech express my unspoken thoughts. May Allah give you blessings and family. Prayers for your son and brother.

  5. SubhanuAllah I have a friend who’s family relative passed away today, and this video was uploaded a day ago. This is exactly what I needed Allahu Akbar thank you brother ❤️🤲🏼

  6. Allah gave him this tragedy so that he helps our Ummah and he is doing it in such a humble way mashallah. may allah support our Ummah who is going through this with strengh and stronger beliefs

  7. Thank you so much. Only Allah knows the sorrow I went through and still going through since my mother died unexpectedly after I have been away from her for 5 years. May Allah have mercy on her and reunite me with her in Jannatul Firdaws. And May Allah give you unimaginable amount of ajar because you have have no idea how important your videos are to me. They give me the closure I have been yearning for. May Allah reunite you with your son and brother in Jannatul Firdaws. Ameen ya Rabb.

  8. I admire your courage, ability to smile and live so fully despite the pain you feel. May Allah continue to honour you and your family in this world and the next, ameen. This was so beneficial, jazakAllahu khayran

  9. This lecture SubhanAllah gave so much comfort t9 my heart. I cried, cried on the verses of Quran where Allah consoles us. And the ahadeeth.
    My hubsand passed away just 3 months before 2023 with cancer. Never, i have ever felt so much relieved with anything after listening to this talk. 😊
    My 15 year old daughter also listened with me.
    بارك الله فيكم جميعا

  10. Salaamu alaikum brother
    Jazak Allahu khair for this talk. I was waiting for something like this from you. My sister passed away 2 months ago and i suddenly remembered your situation and wanted to hear from someone who had a similar greif ❤ may Allah have mercy on our loved ones.

  11. Baraka Allah feek Shiekh. Thank you for this. I’ve lost both my younger brothers, Allah yerhamon, and have mercy on their souls! Certainly my youngest brother was killed over a year ago and it’s devastating, the hardest is having to see my parents go through the grief and loss of losing both children, it’s heartbreaking for them, and for me to see them go through such a calamity, may Allah have mercy on my parents and soften their hearts and increase their Iman. Will always try to go forward Insha’Allah but it’s hard some days.


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