Deaf Person Reacts To Marvel's Echo (2024) // Marvel Echo TV Show Review

Marvel’s Echo is a deaf amputee and Native American woman who becomes the new leader of a mafia. Alaqua Cox, a deaf amputee and Native American actor, stars at Maya Lopez, aka Echo, in this new TV series courtesy of Disney Plus and Hulu. I, a deaf person, react to the series and give my thoughts.

Deaf Person Reacts To Marvel’s Echo (2024)






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19 thoughts on “Deaf Person Reacts To Marvel's Echo (2024) // Marvel Echo TV Show Review”

  1. The fact that Fisk never learned ASL and chose an interpreter and after that the AR translator just shows how little he was interested in Echo. He chose the easy route by picking translation over actually "speaking" her language.

    I felt like the speed of using ASL varied quite a lot and I wonder if this was intentional. Her uncle signed quite slowly compared to her grandmother. Also she didn't talk English simultaneously to signing while others did.

    I very much liked the series and I think it was something unique and different in the MCU (though mind I don't speak ASL or any other sign language). I just hate how the show gets torn apart on IMDb because of her "lack of facial expressions" and her leg being to rigid because she can kick in doors (I mean sure, Ironman has an artificial heart and the Ironman suit but an artificial leg is unrealistic) 😅

  2. I was also thinking how unrealistic it seemed that all of Maya's family knew sign language, but having the context that her mom was also deaf and in the bios it's said that her cousin Bonnie is a CODA (child of deaf adults), I'm assuming that in the show, her family/town have multiple deaf community members to keep up with ASL?

    I've watched most of the Marvel tv series that were originally on Netflix, (I blame Jessica Jones for getting me into Marvel lol) and Kingpin was a main supervillan in Daredevil. He is a Jeff Besos level billionaire who was shown to be so immensely scary and powerful because there are threads of his mafia power, influence, violence, and corruption in like every level of New York from police to politics. Noone could be trusted to not be corrupted in some way by Kingpin and it's been very hard to defeat him.
    So, it's a huge show of power/strength that Maya Lopez, a deaf disabled indigenous woman was presumed to have killed him (in the Hawkeye movie) and goes up against his level of power in Echo.

  3. The entire manuscript was submitted to the Choctaw Nation for review before starting production. Indigenous writers, directors, actors, disabled actors, writers, etc. — kind of astounding for Hollywood, and I hope it's a continued trend.

    When her father says Maya must learn to navigate two worlds, it is vital the viewer realize this is a multidimensional statement:

    She must navigate the hearing and deaf worlds.
    The indigenous and non indigenous worlds.
    The disabled and non disabled worlds.
    The criminal and non criminal worlds.

    That's a big ask of a child. Considering this is integral to understanding everything else. I only have to manage two of those and it's like walking a tight rope daily.

  4. I was really looking forward to this show and I kinda got what I wanted. I really hope we get more of Maya in the future.

    I was a big fan of her family Skully and Biscuits very funny and supportive. I was a bit sad they made a big deal about Bonnie being her best friend and how much bonnie missed her only for barely any time given over to them reconnecting that was sad.

    Also was really looking forward to seeing your reaction and i`m glad you watched it big fan

  5. Ha ha yeah now I know why we don’t have many Interpters in NZ! Damn you kingpin! Overall I liked it I wanted more Deaf stuff I do understand some cultures aren’t good with facial expressions ect sooooo…. There’s that but I liked it I liked the ending needed more though . Like pherhaps more of her mum and upbringing of being Deaf . Ice cream was a great example of Audsim but …. When the AI came out I was like ohhhhhhh no!!!! (Faceplam) he could have and should have learnt!

  6. I'm a fan of both DC and Marvel. I loved Echo. Before I say more, Jeremy Renner has a delightful channel with lyric videos; and via Masterpiece thru Amazon Prime, there is a wonderful series called Little Bird, which is about the experience of Indigenous children and their families in Canada. Anyway … ↘️

    I connected with Echo in more than one way. Deafness, of course. Part of my ancestry is Native American (reservation born grandmother). I was an elder in two Native American Circles. This heritage, culture and spirituality are sacred to me. Echo did a fantastic job representing this. ↘️

    I loved the cast. The old timers. I loved seeing Devery Jacobs (Reservation Dogs). And more.

  7. I think Hawkeye finger spelled boss because he didn’t know the sign, he’s hoh but canonically isn’t fluent in sign and only knows some signs for when his hearing aid is broken. So I was already surprised he canonically knew that many signs. 😂
    I thought the most unrealistic thing about the show was jumping and running with a non running blade prosthetic 😅
    The interpreter getting killed was funny like there are already not enough interpreters and they are making it worse. It was funny because it’s like “that’s why there’s no interpreters, they all get murdered by crime bosses after interpreting for them!” 😂
    I liked when she turned the music up really loud, like if you can’t hear stuff the bad guys don’t hear anything either, levelling the playing field. Maybe giving them disadvantage from loud being painful. 😂
    I didn’t like the bad guy having a facial difference because real world ableism.
    There are monthly contacts you can leave in until you need to replace them. I can’t use any contacts because my eyes are too flat but my friend has them.
    I thought the blurry was meant to show how crowds and stuff can be disorienting. But I’m not sure.

  8. “That’s why there’s an interpreter shortage” LMFAOOO. Real talk though, as an interpreter, would I accept a job from a Marvel supervillain if I knew it might be the last job I ever accept? …yeah, probably 😅

  9. Fisk is evil and a narcissist. It's on brand that he never bothered to learn ASL. Also, about Echo's leg, maybe she'll have a cool prosthetic like Bucky Barns' (winter soldier) arm. That character had a villain-soviet robot prosthetic but then when he became a good guy, "the good ones" built a cooler prosthetic with vibranium (the best metal in-universe) and Wakanda's tech.

  10. Thank you for this video. If you ever watch Hawkeye, that's where Echo gets her name. I agree with your opinion on the show, but I love Alaqua Cox both here, and in Hawkeye. I didn't know her supposed "lack of expression" was an issue. I thought she was actually perfect in this. She was either angry or stone faced. Wonder why, given her line of work.


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