Deadly explosion rips through spy agency building in Russia | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast

Day 385.

Today, we discuss the deadly fire at an FSB Border Service Department building in Rostov-on-Don, Russia and analyse the recent spate of mutinous videos shared by Russian soldiers. Plus, we explore American strategy in Ukraine and around the world.


David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

Nataliya Vasilyeva (Russia Corresponent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

With thanks to Giselle Donnelly, Senior Fellow in Defence and National Security at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).


28 thoughts on “Deadly explosion rips through spy agency building in Russia | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast”

  1. Is he serious when he says that they don't know how they could do that remotely wipe a hard drive on a reaper? The guy flying the thing in Nevada has constant communication with the reaper, The cameras record the hard drives they just did a remote wipe! And as far as the SU-27s, why does everyone not understand why they were dumping fuel on it? They were trying to catch it on fire! dump jet fuel on it and the propellers engine might catch it on fire or they fly by and hit the afterburner on it! Why does everyone not understand why they were dumping fuel on this thing?

  2. Russians have a "peasant mentality" and are used to taking orders from above.So don`t look for a spontaneous uprising by the Russian privates.Especially if they have families that will be threatened.Russian Authority always put the pressure on to get the result they want.
    Don`t people read Russian history?

  3. Video shows the prop on the drone being damaged after the last intercept so the plane must have hit pretty hard. If the prop was damaged that means the tail must have been severely damaged too in order to even reach the prop.

  4. 54:00
    Omg, please take a Putin double, a President Zelenskyy double (or himself after the war) plus other important characters involved and make a James Bond movie with all of them!
    It should end with the idea of the commentator's username "Putin will hang in the middle of the Kremlin" and it should be done by the Russians themselves … maybe with Ukrainians, Poles, Georgians, Chechens and other formerly suppressed ex-iron curtain communities helping them to find the right ways to accomplish this goal!

  5. The Republicans are saying that Ukraine should not be the main focus China is. They are not saying that we need to cut off all aid. To Europe, Ukraine is the most important issue which it is. Trump is a narcists conceited jerk. This is not all the Republican Party. Only the extreme are.

  6. Ukraine is now on life support – drip feeding of weapon is slow to none. Cash payments are drying up – US public has woken up and demands send no more to corrupt Ukraine.
    Your people deal with anglo Saxon Snakes and European devil. US Proxy Ukraine future is looking Bleeker by the day ! Is it worth the pain to turn your back on your Slavic Russian brothers ?

  7. Bullshit…after the argentinian exclusion zone on 30 april 1982 another zone for airplanes and vessels of ANY NATIONALLY was established by the British….as it would be stupid to allow fishing vessels transmitting the position of the fleet just because they had let's say Uruguaian flag


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