David Miscavige's Letter To The Tampa Bay Times

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49 thoughts on “David Miscavige's Letter To The Tampa Bay Times”

  1. I have to say, the way the "church" responds in such a condescending manner is so hilarious! There are plenty of other organized religions that get a lot of backlash, but when they respond to critics, they are so very polite and respectful of differing opinions.

    This really shows their true colors. (Not that they need to do anything else to show that!)

  2. Thank you so much for protecting Clearwater and calling out this cult. I am a native Floridian, born in Ybor City in 1956. Clearwater is a beautiful city, yet Scientology has ruined it. It will never be anything until they are kicked out.

  3. You can tell by the letter that it is from an uneducated nonprofessional. Its laughable! We all know its the Keebler man hiding behind names of a few scientologists. No one takes you seriously little man!

  4. Could the city condemn the cult's properties in downtown as a blight given so many are vacant?
    The property values would plummet (not that they re getting property tax now anyway?) then force sell to a real developer with the contracted requirements that commercial property MUST be renovated and open commercially viable business–to the public–else the city will confiscate it and resell it again?

  5. The letter appears to be written by a semi-educated teenager who has been told that because of their bad school record, they won’t get a new car from Mommy and Daddy. It is totally unprofessional, rambling, overwrought and emotional, and comes across as pure childish petulance. It reflects the same amateur hour tone used in websites designed to slam those who criticize Scientology. A “church,” indeed. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  6. And another thing. They brag about having real, genuine, on air and cable news networks. Nobody watches that stuff anymore. Everybody’s turned to streaming sources. What century is Scientology living in?

  7. Oh, this is a HOWL! PLEASE, A-A-ron, read the 2 other letters?!? This was so freaking funny! 😅😆😂
    Does the Dwarfenführer (TY for that idea Jere Hull!) actually believe that the ULI recommendations have – somehow – the force of Law, that it must be obeyed?? What a feckin' IDIOT!
    CW Council needs to enact a City law that NO business property can be left vacant after a certain amount of time? Say, 3 years, tops?!

  8. Aaron! You are lost and need our help. Please turn yourself it at the Clearwater location. You need auditing and reprogramming. All will be forgiven. We are the only friend's you have. Please come back

  9. If there were any true "goodwill" from scientlogy, they would go ahead with their wonderful plans to just to show how gracious they are….instead the poor citizens of Clearwater are suffering their "Tit for Tat" shenanigans….

  10. Clearwater needs a STRONG, EXPERIENCED, MAYOR that will care for the city of Clearwater NOT THE CHURCH. That damned "church" pays no taxes! The more land that ass buys they less tax money the town will be able to collect or use to fix the city. If he wants his own city he should buy and island of his own somewhere. Then the ass can be mayor and screw up the land and his followers any way he wants.

  11. 'As you are fully aware and already understand…' I think we could cut this sentence in half without losing any meaning. Gawd, I'd never have stuck Scientology for the lectures which are probably 2/3 times longer than they need to be.

  12. Tracy Mc Manus Tampa Bay Times writer deserves an interview. That, I would hunt you down for an SPTV ‘AAron’ on a live. Even if they are unscheduled. Maybe coax Paulette G to give it a Walter Cronkite style interview. This is top flight journalism AARon. You are an excellent reporter. Great work! Binge worthy.

  13. So Shorty can write about Clearwater, but can't avail himself to be served court papers? What does he have to fear? He's the chosen leader of the chosen people, show the firmness of your convictions, Shorty Human Trafficker.

  14. The sure sign of a good Youtube channel is an extra wooden plank leaning against the wall month after month. Ask anyone. BTW. is anyone up to a photoshop challange based on the DM official images?

  15. Can you get someone to break up these videos into smaller digests? Nothing against your recorded streams, but it's a lot to take in when trying to focus on a wide variety of stuff in a given news cycle. No disrespect, I love your content, but some of these are quite long.

  16. That letter rambled about ridiculous things that only a mentally unstable person would write. There’s a lot of big words to help it sound intelligent and important, yet I noticed one or two “big people” words that don’t make sense. Is the Keebler the kind of person who tries to sound highly intelligent, yet in most cases he makes himself sound like even more of an idiot?

  17. Ok, so I closely follow this channel, know much of the inside jokes, but somehow missed the Y.S.C.O.H.B. one!
    Can anyone tell me what that would spell out on merch? Thanks in advance!

  18. I hope someone with enough pull finally gets sick of his garbage and goes after his tax exempt status since he’s not a church to begin with

  19. What really freaks me out is I watched that 80s nightline interview with mscabbage and it is scary at how him and tom cruise act in the same way. Same body language, same mannerisms, same attitude, same ADD style of responding. They must hang out all the time for them to act exactly the same.

  20. Scientology seem so bizarre that unless a person was introduced to it as a small child and had no knowledge of the real world, it is hard to believe a rational person would be willing to join!


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