David Kipping | Aliens, Simulation, Mars, Self Destruction | Ep. 215

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Welcome to The Pretty Intense Podcast. Today on the show is Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University, David Kipping. David is also the director of the Cool Worlds Lab at Columbia University and creator of the hugely popular Cool Worlds YouTube channel and podcast. I love the Universe. I love the nature of reality. I am eternally fascinated. Probably Eyernally is the right word because. will we ever get the right answers, can we? Are we even really programmed to be able to answer the biggest questions? I am not really sure, but that is what we delved into today, and explored. Everything from our own planet to the universe, to our galaxy, AI, types of civilizations, extraterrestrials, getting off planet. We also talked about what it is that we hope is our reality. This episode is all about the nature of reality, where we are going and where we came from.
David is such a great teacher. Check out his YouTube channel @CoolWorldsLab. Get into science. Don’t miss this Episode!


00:00 – Intro
03:00 – Why Be An Astronomer
06:00 – Does Mars Have Life
14:00 – God Of The Gaps
21:00 – Why The Sun Stays With Us
29:00 – Why We Can’t Live On Mars
36:00 – Which Aliens Will Communicate With Us
44:00 – Why We Think We Are Special
52:00 – What Science Doesn’t Know
1:00:00 – The Danger Of AI
1:12:00 – The Point Of Science
1:18:00 – Self Destruction
1:28:00 – Hope For The Future


Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University, Director the Cool Worlds Lab and creator of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel and podcast. His team’s research seeks to detect and study new worlds outside of the Solar System, understand our uniqueness or banality within the Universe and develop new methods and technologies to realise these goals. Prof Kipping has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles, with his work supported by NASA, NSF and private donations. He’s been awarded multiple prizes such as the Alfred P. Sloan Prize Fellowship and Popular Science Magazine’s Brilliant 10, and his YouTube channel has over 750,000 subscribers.


40 thoughts on “David Kipping | Aliens, Simulation, Mars, Self Destruction | Ep. 215”

  1. There are so many structures erected on Mars, the Moon, and other Satellites all over our Solar System. This is a bit humorous. I guess David is taking the Ivory Tower approach. Also, whose to say when Higher Density Beings evolve far enough in Consciousness they respect the Stars so much that they wouldn't dream of building some kind of scaffolding or structure around them…

  2. I love David, but he's kind of a big baby when talking about aliens 🤣

    Come on bud, we already know life exists out there. We ran the numbers.

    If you think we might be alone, you might as well also think the earth is flat 😂😂

  3. These last few podcasts have been off the charts!!!!!…Bring on David Icke…bring on Eric Dubay….how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go? David Icke is a must….Dubay is the Flat Earther…both are worth your critical questioning.

  4. Danica, Your video's are so thought provoking and mind opening as I've always questioned life and our so-called reality. I've always felt that I'm not of this planet we are on and that what we've been told is not what it is. I'm thankful and humbled with your effort, curiosity for truth and your passion for learning. Much thanks to you for this video. From a Vietnam Era Marine Corps veteran.

  5. I've enjopyed his channel for years and he is a very good scientist on exo-planetary exploration and astrophysics but he wasn't going to entertain alternate theory. I would be interested in his thought on infinity in mathematics and philosophy. Also the galactic current sheet and catastrophism vs the anthropological CO2 theory of climate change.

  6. I've been watching Dr. Kipping's "Cool Worlds" for a long time. Graham Hancock's "Ancient Apocalypse" is a great example of someone with little knowledge demanding the viewer believe only he knows how all the wonderful structures of ancient societies were built. His problem is that he hates the indigenous people so much that he can't see what those wonderful people are capable of doing. All of the "had to have help from aliens" crowd harbor similar prejudices.

  7. We will create "life". Worlds inside of worlds- simulations inside simulations. Many "g"ods. The real question is how many simulations are we from the original? That is were "G"od will be found. And of course, where does that reality exist? How did it's existence begin- which could lead to an entire new set of worlds entirely different from our worlds and so on, at nauseam. But ultimately, God, the original creator, will found on the outter most edge.

  8. Its always funny to me, to watch Danica try not to go off on a hollow moon or similar rant, in order not to scare off the geusts. Cua i think we all know that there is or has been more going on in our history as a species, but not everyone has those same beliefs. Whether it is the ancient astronaut theory where humans once had the ability of space flight, but either was destroyed by a cataclysm or destroyed themelves and had to restart from scratch. I am certainly a believer in that possibility.

  9. My Thanksgiving Dinner table would include Danica, Jordan Peterson, Rogan, Lex, Billy Carson, David, Michio, Dan Hoffman, Bryan Greene, Vandana Shiva, Sadhguru, Russell Brand, Randall Carlson, Grahmn Hancock and pumpkin pies

  10. So your discussion is gravity what is it? My understanding of light is light is love love is the greatest attraction in the universe our sun sends out light our planets want the love so they are attracted to the light. It doesn’t matter how fast they spin you stay close to the one you love, that’s gravity Internet shell in my opinion

  11. I've often greatly appreciated Kipping's even-handed approach on some of the big questions of the universe, including the time invested in production and clear explanations he provides. However, saying that there's a lot of evidence for human caused climate change is very disappointing. Do we as humans have some effect on the climate?–of course, but so does cosmic radiation (varied by the sun's and earth's magnetic fields), the earth's orbital precision, and thousands of other mechanisms that dwarf any human involvement. There is NO substantial evidence for IMMINENT CATACLYSMIC ANTHROPOMORPHIC Climate Change, and plenty of evidence AGAINST this cult-like belief promoting an authoritarian global technocracy as the only viable solution. The generic name "Climate Change" is unscientific by its own title. It's an unfalsifiable "theory". Any time the Climate changes (as it always has done and will do), or when something considered "bad" happens, it's chalked up to have happened because of (anthropomorphic) climate change, and then (through circular reasoning), used as "more evidence" to prove humanity's prosperity and population growth is killing us through a shared atmosphere. The remedies make no sense. Nuclear power is ignored (even as a temporary stop-gap), and increasing the cost of energy (as often proposed by gimmicky low-density energy collectors made of environmentally hostile non-renewable "renewables") is only going to kill millions of poor people in the short term. Meanwhile trees that evolved when CO2 was 10x higher than today are suffering from low CO2 density today. Plants and trees in greenhouses that use 4x ambient CO2 concentrations, require much less water, grow taller, faster, and are more resistant to diseases. Much of the fossil fuels we burn today are returning some of the CO2 that those ancient plants and trees consumed out of the atmosphere to begin with. Just think how much smaller dessert regions would be, if we had more CO2. Adding more CO2 doesn't increasing temperatures in a linear function–in fact the levels it is at today is pretty much at its maximum "greenhouse" saturation capacity anyway. Unfortunately too many scientists are slaves to the politicians that give them grants and often afraid of being ostracized. Paraphrasing Maxwell: science only advances one funeral at a time.

  12. You're so intelligent and so easy on my eyes….thank you for a podcast that showcases such compelling guests. I enjoy your engaging contribution to these timeless and riveting topics.

  13. I've been following Cool Worlds for ever and have always loved this guy. Danica you are amazing I enjoy your videos and your curiosity. Thank you for having such great people on all the time. I was also a fan of you in the drivers seat of any race car you chose to race. Cheers from Canada

  14. Hi Danica! 🙋👍 great subjects though, not even Collegiate or Noble Prize Astronomers are aware regarding the discussion on 27:30 …. The part where Suns Fusion from helium and Nitrogen.
    The main reason the Sun keeps Burning is due to how the Sun is traveling thru Space. It's constantly consuming all sorts of materials ( Asteroids, Comets, or Stray Planets.) . All inside the Milky Way s spinning arms with Frozen Water 💧 and other frozen fluids.. Carbon, Hydrogen, are abundant in dark Space you can't see or view. Yet they burn, also Lithium and water are explosive combination. This is how I think the Big Bang Theory started. I have worked in Aerospace for over 25 years. I don't have access of Images in space to look at or data numbers. I don't spend time looking at dots or numbers. ON My channel I have Science Thoughts & Philosophy Playlist… I mentioned these aspects on Hikes or Driving in Canyons or in Newport Beach Streets in California. This is a good video 👦👍🚀🛰🪐🌠🌌🌀 52:19 Iron, and Magnesium Asteroids colliding constantly would spark, and generate heat to evaporate from comets… splitting oxygen and Hydrogen, thus, generating explosion.

  15. This is exactly why you can't judge a book by it's cover I grew up in Indianapolis racing is a big deal so rather you're a fan or not you still tend to hear news about the races.l say that to say I'd heard of Danica Patrick but there nothing she could talk that I'd ve like I sure was wrong great content

  16. The basis of science should be to discover truth. The impetus of work is to learn and develop. Experience, is the catalyst in your life that causes you to either be of positive or negative polarity. And that which resonates with you, will cause you to look further into. It is a necessary part of the awakening experience…to free yourself from the constraints of the thoughts and opinions of others. Life is about evolving.

  17. D A N I C A ! ! ! Your Beautiful Sense Of Basic //
    // Fundamental Child – Like – Curiosity Led To
    Sooooo Many G R E A T Questions From You &
    Sooooo Many Great Responses From D A V I D .


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