Daughter of civil rights icons Medgar and Myrlie Evers pens personal letter to mother

“CBS Mornings” marks 60 years since the assassination of civil rights leader Medgar Evers. In a special edition of our series Note to Self, Evers’ daughter Reena pens a personal letter to her mother, civil rights icon, Myrlie Evers.

#news #medgarevers #myrlieevers

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38 thoughts on “Daughter of civil rights icons Medgar and Myrlie Evers pens personal letter to mother”

  1. The cameras didn’t exist in this moment. You could can FEEL the love.
    I remember while going through a very tumultuous time in my own personal life my 2 daughters gave me strength and kept by my side non stop.
    Hearing her daughter express her gratitude and adoration for her mother is priceless.
    GO GET EM’

  2. Thank you Jesus for this great woman of faith and determination!!! We have so much to be grateful for because of her example and mentorship!!! Wow a living legacy!!! Th and you ma’am for your courage and strength!!!

  3. Aotearoa, New Zealand and Aotearoa New Zealand are all official names for my country.

    Kia Ora (Be well) is our official greeting. Our anthem is sung in Māori and English. NZ currency has Māori and Pākehā shown on the notes.

    Even once apartheid South Africa, has now been ruled by dark brown for 39 years and has an anthem containing several local languages.

    This is how two countries outside the US deals with diversity and integration compared to 'stuck in the past, racist colonial America'.

  4. Great example of women in a community benefiting from the death of their men meanwhile the men don’t get any real recognition . This is similar to BLM benefiting off the death of George Floyd meanwhile arguing for every other black demographic other than the specific group dying. America filled with Victorian womanhood culture that’s why women in our community is placed above the very men dying. Of course she walked into rooms were black men have never been this was the same during slavery certain women get benefits while the men suffered. Black men should have fight for themselves because these women only cared about getting a foot in masa table. This is not all our women just wish we had more Fannie Lou, Betty shabazz, ashata shakur, etc.

  5. Reena and I are the same age.I remember ŵhen her precious father was senselessly murdered. 5 months before ĴFK was murdered. 5 years later, in 1968 Dr. MLK Jr and RFK were murdered. In my 1966/1967 scĥòoĺ year of 6th grade, our schools in Southern Virginia were finally integrated. June 24, 2023 we will have òur 50th class reunion of the class of 1973. I'm proud to say the lifelong black friends that I made way back in 1966 was all made possible because of her father Medgar Evers and other men liƙ him. I know that he is smiling from Heaven because of the gracious and kind lady that his daughter grew up to be🙏🙏🙏

  6. Such deep and heartfelt sentiments Rena shared with her mother. Myrlie Evers is one courageous and strong woman. She is the epitome of turning tragedy into the triumph. A lady whose legacy will continue on forever. God bless them both.

  7. WOW is all I can say!!! This had me crying!! Thank you Medgar, as well as MLK and Malcolm X for paving the way for young African Americans like myself. Mama Myrlie, to me you are a mother to us all and we LOVE YOU DEARLY!! Thank you for always fighting the good fight and standing for justice and equality!!!


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