Das Boot: Full Ending Scene (HD Clip)

After patching up the boat, the crew finally reaches shore.
#DasBoot #TheBoat #hdclips #moviescenes

Watch the full movie! https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Das_Boot_director_s_Cut_US_Subtitles?id=KqpmAdtn6d4

It is 1942 and the German submarine fleet is heavily engaged in the so called “Battle of the Atlantic” to harass and destroy English shipping. With better escorts of the Destroyer Class, however, German U-Boats have begun to take heavy losses. “Das Boot” is the story of one such U-Boat crew, with the film examining how these submariners maintained their professionalism as soldiers, attempted to accomplish impossible missions, while all the time attempting to understand and obey the ideology of the government under which they served.


34 thoughts on “Das Boot: Full Ending Scene (HD Clip)”

  1. The crew sing the "Tipparary" song. At the same time Aussies, Indians,Tommies are singing "Lili Marlene in Tobruk. A joke to hide the fear and a good laugh.♥️😎

  2. Correction of the subtitles: they didn't get home in this scene, they merely reached La Spezia in Italy as they had been ordered. They were supposed to fight from there, showing what crazy demands from command they had to cope with.

  3. We are just like animals only difference is that we can talk . War has been the plague of civilization world wide from day 1. SAD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………………………………………………

  4. Der Tod ist nicht dein Feind. Der Mensch ist es. Wäre ich damals auf der Welt gewesen, ich wäre auch in die Hitlerjugend eingetreten. Ich habe doch nicht gewusst, was das für ein fucking System, das ist. Es gibt nur eine Antwort für den Krieg! Es ist die Frage nach dem Warum! Wem nützt er? Wenn nicht mir? Wem dann?

  5. СУПЕР кино. Кино о людях которые не сдаются, хотя вынуждены выполнять приказы идиотов.
    Кино и трагичное и комичное, но это ЖИЗНЬ, а не чертов зеленый экран с летающими капитанами америками…

  6. This was probably the favourite Film of my late father’s with regard to the True Submariner’s life under the waves during WW2.
    All the rest of the films about Submarines don’t show the truth and horror these people went through,we knew someone in the Merchant marine and he held no grudges against most of the U-Boat crews ( he had more hate for seagull’s ) he didn’t like what some U-boat crews did in Gunning down lifeboats but it went on on both sides.
    He was never too keen on the Royal Navy for dropping depth charges while Men were in the water or in life boats but they understood the importance of taking out the threat of the U-boats sinking more shipping.


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