Darkest Dungeon – Butcher's Circus – War party showcase

#darkestdungeon #butcherscircus #PlagueDoctorForLife

Showcase one of teams named by Red Hook. This video shows 5 win matches.

War party is a ,,damage-stress” team, here are roles of characters:

1st: Man at arms (accuracy trinket + damage trinket) – guardian
2nd: Crusader (damage trinkets) – damage dealer
3rd: Plague doctor (accuracy trinkets) – stress dealer
4th: Arbalest (damage trinket + healing trinket) – supporteer

1) Great stress outcome
2) Great healing potential
3) 3 potential disruptors

1) Stress is a menace
2) Disruption is a menace
3) RNGsus is a menace
4) Low damage outcome

War party is team, that combines pure damage and stress, plus DoT if you use a right Plague doctor’s skills. All characters can apply stress and 3 of them can heal. Sadly, this team is weak against everything, due to lack of any synergies.

I tried to play some tactics, like “full stress”, “support Crusader” or even “damager Man at arms”, but I found only these strategies, which you just saw.

My advice: Your Man at arms MUST have “Retribution”, without this, you can’t survive.

Firstly I was curious about this team, but after few matches, I was dissapointed. No synergies, no damage pressure, and only “full stress” attack isn’t even good strategy. Many loses… I don’t like it.

Rating: 1/5

Music: Symphony of Tragedy – Rise again

I don’t claim any rights to the song. All rights belongs to the swedish power metal band Symphony of Tragedy!


1 thought on “Darkest Dungeon – Butcher's Circus – War party showcase”

  1. You could've made this team at least somewhat shine if you gave pd the amputation saw and crush to maa. In all the matches your strategy was mainly oriented on dealing stress.


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