Dark Road (Original Music) by Julie Dee Amber – Prod. by Mr. Mix Productions – In Darkness I Bloomed

Hello you beautiful souls,

well.. This is by far the most hard video and song that i ever created. It did cost me a few grey hairs, thats for sure. It kind of like have eeeeverything that you can think of: Canon, Backvocals, Spoken Parts, Drums, Guitar, a car, filmed in the dark (which is way harder than i ever thought) zooms and cinema borders and overlays and and and…. Phew.
That was for sure a ton of work, but was so worth it to get my message out there. I wanted to describe a feeling that i am way too familiar with…When sometimes everything becomes too much, you dont know who you are yourself anymore and you always be a people pleaser but forget yourself on the long run. I tend to break out then, pack my bags and disappear for a while until i feel like myself again and give me simple time to relax and.. breathe. I am a fighter – not a quitter, but oh lord, i do get so tired and be exhausted sometimes from all the fighting…
That might be familiar for a lot of you guys as well. And we also catched a few shots of the blood moon that was up that night, as well as some rain drops 😀 Maybe you find them in the video.
So, i hope you enjoy this by far most personal song on my EP so far.

Please give a huge shoutout to Mr. Mix who worked nights with this mix and all instruments and was about to go crazy 😀 He also gave it a try this time behind the camera. He really gave his all to this 🙂
I would be nothing without him – Thats for sure!

XoXo, Amber


i´m driving on a dark road
(dark road, dark road)

dark road give it to me
dark road watching on me
the moon is closer to me
watching on me watching on me

Holding you close,
holding you close to me
to me to me,

I am still learning how to travel back in time
and reread my own chapters,
without having the feeling
that i want to set all of my pages on fire

dark road give it to me
dark road watching on me
the moon is closer to me
watching on me watching on me

and i couldnt stay broken forever
so i got up and fixed all my broken pieces
and glued them back together
but this time with the sharp edges
showing oto the outside

im driving on a dark road,
driving all one on me
you´ll see
driving on a dark road to me

A way to me, to me to me
and i´ll find peace
a piece of me
and im driving on a dark road

a history of trauma gave me high tolerance
for emotional pain
but just because i can take a hit
does not mean that i have to
and i understood myself
only after i destroyed myself
and only in the progress of fixing me
did i know who i really was

Holding you close,
holding you close to me
to me to me,

m driving on a dark road,
driving all one on me
you´ll see
driving on a dark road to me

dark road give it to me
dark road watching on me
the moon is closer to me
watching on me watching on me

Holding you close,
holding you close to me
to me to me,

driving on a dark road to me

What i use to record:
Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Mic: Rode NT2A
NT1A / Sennheiser e840s
DAW: FL Studio Producer Edition
Headphones: Beyerdynamic Dt 770 pro
Sennheisser HD280 Pro
Monitoring Boxes: Yamaha Hs-5
nEar 05 by ESi
Cam: Samsung Galaxy 21 fe
Video Software: Shotcut

Follow me:

Instagram: jazzy_d_vocals

Song: Dark Road
Singer: Julie Dee Amber
Songwriter: Julie Dee Amber
Producer: Mr. Mix
Guitar: Ryini
Release: 30.09.2023
Album: In Darkness I Bloomed
Lable: Mr. Mix Productions

2023 · Julie Dee Amber · Produced by Mr. Mix Productions
Sound is owned by Julie Dee Amber · · Made in Germany ·
Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of this recording is prohibited · All rights reserved


34 thoughts on “Dark Road (Original Music) by Julie Dee Amber – Prod. by Mr. Mix Productions – In Darkness I Bloomed”

  1. Hey!! This is a good song my dear!! Good production, good music, and above all an extraordinary singer!! I really enjoyed seeing you in this video Julie!! Hat off my dear friend!!!!
    Have a wonderful week.. Best regards.. Eddie Paul!!! 😉

  2. Dearest Julie , I carefully read your tag on this new song of yours, as always never banal both in the choice of the musical structure and last but not least the beautiful scenes of the video that accompany the lyrics: therefore I perfectly understand your state of mind and your tiredness at the end of this production, but I think you can be very satisfied with the splendid result obtained. This is my modest opinion for a well thought out piece set to music with great talent on the part of you and your collaborators. Well done and congratulations

  3. Hello Julie…All of us have been through dark roads, you really made a great production on this video, the footage was well thought out, to capture your dark words, life brings us ups and downs, we must stand up tall and take the time to work on ourselves everyday, being a people pleaser in not the answer, we must please ourselves first, we as humans are the focus to manage our thoughts and destiny, not others ..in time we look back and see we can overcome the most challenging issues, and be stronger humans, this is life.. it is being proud of who we are…

  4. This sounds amazing — love the mix of vocals and speech — it makes it even more powerful and emotional and the incredible music and mix and video. The pain really comes through in the song — I hope making the song helped lessen it a bit! sometimes making songs is helpful for that (sometimes not!)

  5. A moving and cool song! Awesome singing and playing! Cool title. We’ve all been through dark times. Very relatable song. Great job with the visual edits! Very cool October creation, amiga! 🍁🍁🍁🍁🎃🎃🎃✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👍

  6. Hach, da ist sie wieder – unsere liebe Julie, die sich "das Herz aus der Seele" performed 😉 Gleich am Beginn setzt die herrlich authentische Stimmung ein, die sich gekonnt durch's gesamte Video zieht. Da spürt man jede Menge Entschlossenheit und Deine Kämpfernatur, die Du ja auch in die Beschreibung aufgenommen hast. Fantastischer Gesang, großartige Musik, brillanter Sound im Mix und Deine enormen Fähigkeiten, die Texte auch visuell perfekt in Szene zu setzen! Natürlich gebührt auch dem Mr. Mix wieder allergrößte Anerkennung – da hat sich wirklich ein Dreamteam gefunden! Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das sicher ein unglaublich anstrengender Kraftakt für Euch beide gewesen sein muss (auch wenn ich beim besten Willen kein graues Haar entdecken kann 😉 Super professionell auch die ganzen Video-Effekte und dazu kommt noch das Glück des Tüchtigen, zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zu sein und so in 1 Nacht Blutmond und Regentropfen einfangen zu können! Also nochmals: großes Lob und Anerkennung aus dem Ösiland und eine schöne neue Woche an Euch beide! Riesenlike und LG Hermann

  7. WoW du bist durch und durch eine fabelhafte Künstlerin! Du hast meinen Respekt! Deine Arbeit ist einzigartig und wieviel Liebe und Herz du immer in deine Werke steckst! Mach genauso weiter!

  8. Wow. Such a beautiful song, with a more subtle rhythm. Your magical voice absolutely shines through. As always, a magical vocal performance and excellent backing vocals. The song has a very catchy melody and makes you want to listen more and more. A beautiful video, it creates a mystical atmosphere. I have enjoyed. I salute you very much. I wish you all the joy and happiness!

  9. You keep on bringing in quality… you surely snatch us from what we are doing and draw us in… this is so gripping …your writing… performance and production are top notch… you are so very talented and have your own magic ….. this is so very calming and beautiful… perfect to unwind with… a fine aural and visual treat 🙏🌹

  10. Hallo liebe Julie, super Originalsong, den du, wie man es von dir kennt, wieder sehr ausdrucksstark und voll aus deinem Herzen rübergebracht hast. Gratuliere auch Mr. Mix für seine großartige Arbeit, ihr 2 seid ein starkes Team ! Für euch beide Daumen 32 weit hoch !
    Schöne Grüße – Apfelbaum Fritz vom Blue River🌳🤠🎸

  11. WOW JD!!! a superb original and film . . . heartfelt . . . lots of your own wisdom and experiences . . . things that everyone can relate to . . . thanks friend . . . you are amazing . .huge applause . . . .xoj


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