Dark Finnish Folklore Gets an Open World Medieval cRPG – Edge of War

Edge of War gameplay with Splattercat! Let’s Play Edge of War and check out a game where you’ll take a party of military scouts out into the hinterland to fight against untold hordes of badguys.

Download Edge of War : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1786070/Edge_of_War/
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24 thoughts on “Dark Finnish Folklore Gets an Open World Medieval cRPG – Edge of War”

  1. Hey man, you've said in the video that the month is pretty slow so far.. did you know that Book of Hours came out? It's bug free and been trough a few QoL patches, so I think its ripe for you to check it out ✌

  2. I understand the developers situation, and I see potential in the game, but they really need to get rid of the level scaling as that is a mechanic that just ruins crpgs.

  3. Always appreciate your honest evaluation of games. Without you I would not have known about the potential of this game and could not have given them any support. You are a credit to the indy gaming community, sir.

  4. I like level scaling with floors and ceilings that keeps areas relevant for longer but also gives you that feel of being stronger without it getting too ridiculous.

  5. I think at this point it would be great to hear from Splattercat his thoughts or how he reflect on the games he played. Maybe what games stand out and give them a bit more of a spotlight; games that are innovative etc.

  6. Not sure if you are going to play this again or not, but if you do, there appears to be a second weapon set on the inventory screen. You may be able to (don't know if you can or not) put a second different type of bow in there to use. So if they are 100% resistant to poison, you could switch it out while fighting.

  7. I've played Edge of War now 140 hours! Have made two parties and about to make my 3rd party.
    Yeah is only a few quest yet. The devs said their next update is adding story content, quests. I stayed because of combat though, and yes it reminds a lot Baldur's Gate. I have fought some of the more difficult combats many times. And actually I really like some of the landscapes too! Good bones with this game, I hope they don't abandon it. They have a chance to make it a good indy tactical RPG.

  8. First fight is: hound tank vs three men with legit weapons. I already don’t like it. Plus, they did the androngenous gender thing. Barf.

    Creators need to step out of 20 year old rpg mechanics. It doesn’t work nowadays. We’ve come too far. AI can be programmed far better than years ago. Mechanics can be more nuanced.
    I can already play old games if I want this type of thing.


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