'DANGEROUS!' Experts react to dramatic Royal health crisis | Palace Confidential

The country was rocked by the news that both the King and the Princess of Wales were to be admitted to hospital for surgery. With the Prince of Wales taking time off to support his wife and young family, the Firm finds itself down by three key members. It’s up to three key members of the Mail’s royal reporting stable to discuss the latest on our weekly talk show Palace Confidential.
They also discuss the jaw-dropping revelations in Robert Hardman’s new book Charles III: New King. New Court. The Inside Story. Robert also provides his behind-the-scenes commentary on producing the book that has got the nation talking.

0:00 Explosive Prince Harry and Meghan revelations and TWO health scares! All this and more on Palace Confidential
0:30 Reaction to King Charles and Kate Middleton being hospitalized
1:47 ‘VERY interesting!’ Richard analyses the Royal medical updates
3:13 Why did Kate’s medical update come out at the same time as King Charles’s?
4:40 How serious is the Princess of Wales’s condition?
6:07 ‘Precarious nature of a slimmed-down monarchy!’ Richard on King Charles’s ‘dangerous vision of a pared down monarchy
7:30 Can we expect any further Royal announcements soon?
8:42 Robert Hardman talks about his explosive new book about King Charles III
13:20 Rebecca reveals how different King Charles is from Queen Elizabeth as a monarch
15:29 How Prince William and King Charles have strengthened their relationship
16:15 Richard reacts to shocking revelations about Prince William and the Church of England
17:57 Robert Hardman talks about the shocking revelations about how the Queen reacted to granddaughter Lilibet’s name
20:10 Richard reacts to the explosive revelations in Robert’s book
21:23 ‘Uncomfortable!’ Why has the Lilibet name caused such a problem?
22:23 ‘The one thing I have is my name!’ Rebecca shares her own scoop about how Queen Elizabeth reacted to Lilibet name
24:06 ‘Feels manipulative!’ Richard is surprised by the decision
24:30 ‘Deafening silence!’ How have Prince Harry and Meghan reacted to the Lilibet story?
25:25 How has the Palace reacted to the revelations?
26:40 ‘So patronizing!’ Richard slams Prince Harry’s suggestion the Queen was ‘kept apart’ from him
27:40 Your best comments!
29:19 Rebecca shares an update on Prince William’s latest engagement
31:37 Princess Anne’s outfit inspired a men’s fashion collection??
34:16 Richard reacts to a sweet anecdote about Anne in Robert’s new book
35:19 It’s Montage time!
36:30 Robert reveals moving details of Queen Elizabeth’s the final day

Buy Robert Hardman’s book here: https://www.waterstones.com/book/charles-iii/robert-hardman//9781035027415?awaid=3787&utm_source=redbrain&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=css&sv1=affiliate&sv_campaign_id=176013&awc=3787_1705496302_c178edc7f6a871148a9e94e7766bf6e3

#palaceconfidential #royals #lilibet #princeharry #meghanmarkle #katemiddleton #kingcharles


20 thoughts on “'DANGEROUS!' Experts react to dramatic Royal health crisis | Palace Confidential”

  1. Princess of Wales having had surgery and in the news. Funny that Harry chooses this time to announce he's dropping his lawsuit against the Daily Mail. I was actually wondering whether Megan will make some announcement that she is receiving medical treatment too. They don't seem to like it when William or Kate are receiving attention and not them.

  2. Oh boo hoo boo hooo. After that documented rush to the same hospital late on 28/12/2023 we all know that Catherine likely attempted suicide; theirs has been a well-documented fractious marriage but far be it from you to ever report facts and certainly never so where the #WaroftheWaleses is concerned.

    Hardman is a damn liar and he uses HLM Queen Elizabeth II to peddle his DailyMail campaign of animus towards the Sussexes. The true arbiter of whatever the Queen or Prince Philip thought, comes from their confidante Gyles Brandreth and no one else. Gyles also stated in Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait the Queen's position about Lilibet and Archie. Gyles is a regular on ITV's This Morning which I regularly watch via VPN. Gyles has never once spoken ill of either Harry or Meghan no more than he has or would have their late Majesty QEII and Prince Philip.

    There is nothing glamorous about Princess Anne, she looks like a butch Queen from the Ozarks who hit the big city trying to slay on the drag circuit and failed miserably.

    Well, duh, he's swollen what with being jousted good by his kilted paramour whom he clearly can't seem to get enough of, since his pa Prince Phililp is no longer around to bagger him about what a failure and right poufter he is.

    You keep raising your rear right leg all you want, as Harry made it perfectly clear in his interview with Anderson Cooper for CBS' 60 Minutes, he will never return to the royal family ever again.

    Let's see if after Easter, Catherine had her teeth punched out or had a complete nervous breakdown. I do not envy her position because she has suddenly been made Queen of the Karens and the most perfect White heroine all whilst in a loveless marriage as he's got eyes only for the alpaca-faced chatelaine in Norfolk and has been left with that Tasmanian devil in Damian for having drunk, cussed, racially hated Meghan all the way through her pregnancy with the embarrassing little freak. Catherine is not in an enviable position because she is the most abandoned in his entire affair, which is precisely why she is sat in a hospital as we speak.

    Look for whomever is PM to stand in Parliament and announce as was the case with #Peggalicious' father, it is with regret that Buckingham Palace announces that the Prince & Princess of Wales are to be separated and divorced. Keep blaming Meghan for everything that's wrong with your messed up racist little island kingdom but you can bet your bottom dollar she has zero fucks to give about your sorry state.

    All this lilibet tempest in a tea pot to cover your nasty little sexual predator, the vile paedophile, Andrew. That's right that barrel hipped monster with the procilivity for minor meat will be outed in due course; there is after all video evidence documenting the vile monster feasting like a famished boar set loose in a truffle patch on mere minor meat. Blame Megahn & Harry for causing HLM The Queen distress, my arse.

  3. The overall attitudes towards health issues has changed since QEII’s generation, and especially towards cancers where early detection is so important and life-saving, it is understandable that this generation of the RF will be a bit more open about such things.

  4. They hurt the Queen DEEPLY and yet she kept her mouth shut. NOW….from the grave these words exposed have risen at the perfect time. Those whom perhaps stood with the grifters will hide under rocks noe and or change their ideas. Harry and megan have been served KARMA on a workd stage 🍵 tea cup from her late Majesty. They are indeed FILTHY hearted ingrates. Let shame be THEIR name !!!

  5. The King has issued a statement on his behalf of his health as a public service to men who might be embarrassed to have these check ups so done and done leave it as for Princess Catherine leave her alone if they wanted you to know their private health affairs they’d have told you about it>. It’s personal not public so drop it and leave them in peace there’s no story there. Wishing her a speedy and complete recovery

  6. The press is waaaayyy behind the “Lilibet” Issue. They lied about the Queen. It was known that she said she did not want anyone to call her Lillibet after Prince Phillip passed. She was angry about them using her precious special name. Why shouldn’t she be angry. She should and had the right to be angry!!! She was human after all. This was out a long time ago, before the Queen died. The Sussexes can go to blazes. This incident proved that Harry never really cared about his grandmother or her feelings!


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