Dagoth Ur Breaks Down Corprus Disease

Dagoth Ur is back and he is breaking down his blessings, including Corprus, the Blight and everything you will find in the Elder Scrolls Morrowind. He even explains his Mask for the first time. He even addresses the Skyrim DLC that features one of his followers. He delves deep into the origin of corprus, the blight and many other things.
#elderscrolls #dagothur #morrowind #skyrim
00:00 Intro
00:25 Blights
01:10 Prevention
01:46 Corprus
02:25 Characteristics
03:01 Yagrum Bagarn
03:37 Nerevarine
04:44 Mask of Dagoth Ur
05:33 Artifacts
06:47 Outro and Thanks
07:26 Bonus


29 thoughts on “Dagoth Ur Breaks Down Corprus Disease”

  1. While I can admire Voryn for his ability to create a supernatural disease that grants immortality and increased spiritual powers, I can and will criticize him for his methodology in creating his followers. Nevertheless, I am eager to continue my studies into the nature of Corprus; with Fyr's notes I believe that a more superior version can be created.

  2. Mighty dagoth. Apologies for your dead loyal follower. But he fought well in skyrim as i deafeted him. But too honor the six house i took your mask an decided too fight the imperal an stormcloaks in your name. Even now i wear the mask too spread your name in skyrim

  3. The conspiracy theory that nobody wants to tell you about Corpus is that it never made Yagrum Bagarn fat, he was just already a fatass by the time he got it.

    Edit: By the Gods, no, Dagoth already made this joke in the video before I reached this part! I would re-write the comment, but there is no recall or intervention in this place

  4. The fact that Erden was making ash zombies with the mask SANS THE HEART should really be more of a concern to Morrowind. ash zombies mean corprus. Corprus means trouble…for the n'wah of course.

  5. FACT: Dagoth Ur is the most likable Elder Scrolls antagonist to ever exist. He is polite, friendly and caring to his followers and Nerevar. Sure, he might be a little racist, but who isn't in this era?

  6. I get it! The reason why everyone looks like they do from Morrowind to Skyrim isn't Bethesda refusing to update the graphic engine or hire people who won't beat the characters with a digital ugly stick. It's because everyone has corpus!


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