DA: Teens could be charged as adults in pastor's death

DA: Teens could be charged as adults in pastorโ€™s death


31 thoughts on “DA: Teens could be charged as adults in pastor's death”

  1. If you commit murder in the first degree you should be charged as an adult… and deal with the possibility you might die for your crimes.

    We should be hard on murder.

    Be hard on crime and there won't be any crime.

  2. they should be charged as adults. they have a lengthy record which means there is no rehabbing them, they will just get increasingly worse as menaces to society.

  3. They have had chance to change. Now they killed someone and will come bk for others if they are not stopped now. What that daughter said is nonsense. This is not their 1st offence

  4. Good! Do it! That's why someone have the minors commit these sensitive crimes because of their age. Daughter and others need to see what this really is, not what they hope it would be. They intended to kill her! STOP ๐Ÿ›‘ the killing! I don't care who you are! You need to look to a real mentor, go to school, get a job and live a good life not strive for one that sees you in jail!

  5. When you put juveniles in adult prison: they will be raped by adults and suffer. 15 is still an 11 yr old mentally. It is a shame but give them a chance to regret what they do and get out 20 yrs later.

  6. "What has to happen" is that children who commit crimes w/ "malice aforethought" should be charged as ADULTS. "What has to happen" is that judges should not give bonds to teen criminals who have previous convictions. They should stay locked up until, during, and after their trials. No plea bargins.

  7. Heart broken ๐Ÿ’”. For the husband. Heart broken ๐Ÿ’” for the families. The news reach San Diego. Don't understand why her daughter would want that killer back on the street. In 2 years after killing her mom like that.

  8. They carried out an adult crime so this is right they should be charged as adults it's called accountability and consequences once you put an instrument of death in your hand and take someone's life you have stepped in the lane of an adult!

  9. Tryin those teenagers as juveniles will put the community at risk, they have already been in the system and treatment programs . My concern would be for the community and the innocent. The daughter is grieving Iโ€™m sure, but she talking nonsense.


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