Cyberpunk 2077's 2nd Expansion Pack…Wait, What Is Going On? Fans Unite But Will CDPR Listen?

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Cyberpunk 2077 expansion 2 is a lost promise that a lot of fans are eager to fight for. Let’s go through the history of the DLC and expansion pack promises from CD Projekt RED and get an update on what’s happening.

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40 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077's 2nd Expansion Pack…Wait, What Is Going On? Fans Unite But Will CDPR Listen?”

  1. I signed that petition!

    It get it, CDPR is going to work on the sequel to cyberpunk 2077 using a different game engine …. but you can't stop support for a Game that's not even 2 years old!

    CDPR needs 2 Game Dev Divisions – one to continue support of cyberpunk 2077 with existing game engine, one to work on the sequel with new game engine.

    Gamers deserve to see cyberpunk 2077 fleshed out with expansions (3 to 4 over a 3 years time frame!)

  2. Ah I wanna know since the update why when I boot it back up it put me back at the last mission which is the H. Tower when I already ended it did the race to help what’s her face to avenged her dead husband and it was bugged cause Vee kills the driver when I did everything not to so I can get both cars so I played last mission and it didn’t put me back in after last mission yet it puts me back at last mission and I can do what o wnt but still gotta do last mission WTF CDPR!!!!!

  3. So because I dnt wanna put this game on my ps5 I only play it on ps4 cause it’s still crashing to this day why would I mess up my ps5 for tht man plz and most of the community is on last gen so we must be left out when they stole our monee fora crap made game!!!!

  4. I just want a patch that makes the world more interactive. Ability to play pool and other in game games, gang wars to sort out. Procedural content that is organic to the game tha creates unique to "you" experience like No Man Sky instead of an actual expansion. Honestly Cyberpunk is a gem, Better than most games i have ever played but it is too linear, Once you have finished the quests, you have no incentive to continue, despite the game being enormous with even more enormous possibilities. Leave everything as is and give me more procedural content and i would be very happy with this.

  5. they should of never released this game on the old consoles period!!! that was one of the biggest downfalls because they had to dumb the game down for old tech to try to make it work on dated tech it would of been so much better as a purely made for next gen game they really dropped the ball on that!

  6. To be fair it wasnt CDPRs fault for the launch it was the investors remember CDPR never lied to us they said it'll be ready when it's ready…the investors forced there hand and made them release early even though they said its not working as planned on last generation consoles…had they had the time they needed and we the selfish fans had of listened to the statement of its ready when its ready instead of being basement neckbeard losers sending death threats then maybe the launch would not of been so garbage…we the lunatic fringe and people who are still clinging to the meme that the game is garbage are to blame not CDPR…the company actually cares about their games they are nothing like the heavy hitters like EA ubisoft and other triple A developer studios…we just got greedy and demanded an early release like petulant children

  7. Plus there is also a chance for Rebecca to make a come back as a DLC if it's implied that David secretly gave Rebecca the premium health insurance policy before the rescue.
    She could come back in a tween rig/upgraded frame showing how she growed and matured since the anime was a two year prequel?

  8. I really want them to get rid of the ‘point of no return’ part of the game so after we’ve finished the main story we can carry on – also I want a dlc to see if V manages to find a cure for the revelation at the end in regards their life 🙃 (trying not to spoil 😅)
    Lastly CDPR take off the restraints in regards to the key romances 👍 and more interactions with npcs (romance encounters and more)

  9. I think it’s clear the reason they decided to cut down the post game content because how poor it did initially- no one predicted the anime being so ace and the catalyst to more people playing now

  10. I'm genuinely split. I would love the game to get more support with a new expansion, but at the same time I don't want them taking away from a Cyberpunk 2 on UE5. Having a dedicated team is expensive so… I guess it really comes down to are we more interested in supporting the game or the IP as a whole. Neither answer is wrong IMHO, so I don't mean that in a judgy way. Its something the community needs to decide how it feels. I'm personally completely split and I don't know what side of the fence I come down on.

  11. If they’re already working on Witcher 4 or the next cyberpunk then odds are the first expansion is all we’re getting for this specific game… we’ll see what happens boys

  12. There is no chance in hell that we're getting a second DLC. They could barely put together a working game for release and have been delayed time and time again with the first DLC. It doesn't make economical sense to sink more money into a project like this.

  13. It's possible that we need to stop comparing CP77 to The Witcher 3.
    It's the first game in the Cyberpunk series, so maybe we should start thinking about it more like The Witcher 1, a basic entry in the series that they'll use to learn from and improve. We might all be a lot happier.

  14. Sorry but this is unrealistic, the majority of cd project reds team have moved on and only those working on the upcoming expansion and patches are left, its more than likely that they have their post expansion schedule already set and coming back to cyberpunk would mean cancelling future releases already in the works and they wont do that, id go further to say its unfair to expect them to do that.

  15. Game is done for me. Got it platinum in two weeks with no end game playability as there's nothing really to do. Had a few little issues at launch which were negligible on the PlayStation 4 Pro and while I found it a decent game it was nothing other than that. Pity as I'd been looking forward to it for so long. Still can't understand how they had so many issues with a game that wasn't groundbreaking graphic wise and with what is a relatively medium sized world map in comparison to other games.

  16. Wont change anything. CDPR is keen to move on from red engine and it's the whole reason they cut development short. They've already moved the majority of staff over to UR5 for work on the Witcher 4. After phantom liberty, there won't be any significant development until they release the sequel

  17. Kinda weird to skip out on expansions, those are usually easy money makers for other devs since most of the skeletonwork for the game is already done… Blizzard would milk you for expansions until you beg them to stop.

    It is just an absolute waste to not take every opportunity to add life to Night City. Not like people are asking it be done for free either.

  18. What if they're porting the entire game over to unreal engine and still plan to give us W3 equivalent content? They didn't say no more CP2077 content, they said last red engine content. If they did that, it would certainly make up for the disastrous launch. I heard they were already doing mp in unreal, maybe it will be easy to translate the rest of it over

  19. The game need Co-Op so people can team up and do stuf .
    A game like this with online function like battle royale with your own setup from your original Cyberpunk 2077 character.

    Yes i see a good future for games like that with this settings .

  20. OWG, They want to put this game to rest. I hope that they will do it and start develop the next game – no time to waste on expansions for boring and rushed game. Also I home the would do better next time

  21. I'm not sure if the announcement came before this video but CDPR said they're making a whole sequel… Which I think is a horrible idea. They finally have Cyberpunk in a functional state, and making an entirely new project throws that away and can potentially lead to a SECOND botched release.


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