The Holiness of God, Penal Substitution, and How to Pray w/ Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Hahn spills the beans on Holiness, and how only God is truly holy, but through Him, by grace, we can also share in His holiness.

Dr. Hahn’s New Book (Use Code “HOLYPINTS” for a discount or as an exclamation):
Word of The Lord:


Hallow (FREE TRIAL):


48 thoughts on “The Holiness of God, Penal Substitution, and How to Pray w/ Dr. Scott Hahn”

  1. Prayers appreciated for myself … I’m in RCIA this year, and will be confirmed at Easter. Some of my closest friends do not support me whatsoever in this journey of mine. I cried for over twenty minutes today – the loneliness is real and heavy to bear.

  2. Scott Hahn, how can you say that you experienced the grace of conversion at age 14 and a half, when you were not Catholic yet? Is there Christianity outside the Roman Catholic church?

  3. In my opinion, Scott Hahn is the greatest catholic theologian of the 21st century. Few people in the world can talk about the beauty of faith in such a brilliant way. Hahn is primarily a witness of the Lord Jesus, therefore his theology is full of the Holy Spirit!

    Greetings from Poland!

  4. Thanks for answering my question Scott. I actually do own the book you referenced and have been working through it. It's hard when Penal Substitution is literally the air you used to breathe fir so long…

  5. Dr. Hahn is such a joy to listen to, thank you so much for having him on again! I ordered his book, and the other book he recommended, I know that both will be enriching spiritually, as well as intellectually.

  6. Dr. Hahn's premise of holiness is entirely incorrect. The Torah states in Exodus 19:6 that if Israel guards the covenant, God will call them holy:
    ואתם תהיו־לי ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש אלה הדברים אשר תדבר אל־בני ישראל
    but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel.”

    And then in Deuteronomy 7:6, God actually calls all of Israel holy.

    כי עם קדוש אתה ליהוה אלהיך בך בחר יהוה אלהיך להיות לו לעם סגלה מכל העמים אשר על־פני האדמה
    For you are a people consecrated to your God יהוה: of all the peoples on earth your God יהוה chose you to be God’s treasured people.

    Thus, holiness is when one follows the moral and rituals of the Torah, as the children of Israel did.

  7. Could someone answer this question? I was a bit taken aback when Dr Hahn mentioned that he is Opus Dei. Here is Spain where I live, it is nearly cult-like. Is it different in the USA?? I am coming from fundamental Pentecostalism and sometimes feel pretty skittish when it comes to religious radicalism. However, i have only love and respect for Dr Hahn! ❤️

  8. I think we all want the 7 day, 90 day, whatever specified amount of “days” to holiness because it is something we have control over and can do ourselves. But as Dr. Hahn says, holiness is not what we make ourselves because we can’t achieve or earn our own justification, which is hard to accept sometimes! 😅

  9. I echo the sentiments of the people here. Dr. Hahn is such a great gift from God. I was previously a lost catholic he brought me back thru his books, specifically Rome Sweet Home.May our Lady continue to guide him and strengthen him in his works


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