CTV News comes to the rescue of Trudeau

CTV News wins this week’s Ratio of the Week Award for its bizarre coverage of Justin Trudeau at the G20 Summit.

Tune into Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner: https://tnc.news/2022/11/17/ratiod-xi-trudeau/

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37 thoughts on “CTV News comes to the rescue of Trudeau”

  1. I MUST have missed the part where ALL these G7 countries leaders were cheering on Justine Trudoo 🤔🙄 .. Just the little video I did watch, I would seem as if Trudoo was avoided and ignored… Of course would want to hang out with him anyways

  2. That was as much trudeau photo op as it was gee pingpong. Does trudeau speak mandarin. He didn't even wait for the translator to start, like he knew what gee pingpong said. You would think that if he did understand mandarin, he would have answered in mandarin out of the respect of the chinese dictator. So why did trudeau answer in English and so quickly? Probably because it was scripted, the whole thing was another trudeau photo op. The mainstream media sure ran with it, that should also tell you something

  3. If it were not for the paid propaganda outlets in Canada the monster turdo would have been kicked to the curb long ago – and he knows it – which is why he gives them billions of OUR tax dollars every year….

  4. Hey CTV, you'd better pay attention to the lesson that Canadians are going to give the CBC when it's defunded and has to go on its own without TAXPAYER money. We know how closely tied to the libtard party you have become and while you're not tied to the public teat, you do need viewership to keep afloat. We're going to see how strong that bond with Canadians is after the Emergencies Act has concluded it's investigations. There WILL BE a concerted effort to bring you to heel, and you will pay the price for going against Canadians. Get ready, it's going to get very interesting!!

  5. Goes much further than media money from Liberals. Follow the bigger money…who owns CTV (Bell), who has a virtual monoply on interent and cell phone rates in Canada? Bell! Therefore who benefits by the liberals doing nothing to reduce rates in these areas to what folks in Europe and US pay? Bell! This goes much deeper than the $600m…we are talking 10's of Billions of $s.

  6. Where has real journalism gone? Below are the tenets of journalism. Sadly few journalist follow them, especially in main stream media.

    Four Foundations of Ethical Journalism:

    1. Seek truth and report it;

    2. Minimize harm;

    3. Act independently;

    4. Be accountable and transparent.

    Five Elements of Journalism

    1. Journalism's first obligation is to the truth;

    2. Its first loyalty is to citizens;

    3. Its essence is a discipline of verification;

    4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover;

    5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power.

  7. … it is truly unbelievable that he is not currently under investigation for treason…. now 11 MPs are financed by China in the last election? Chinese Fascist Police stations allowed to operate in CANADA? CHINESE MILITARY operations permitted by Trudeau in Canada ? And is this staged confrontation with Xi is for your consumption ? He is in bed with this guy !! Trudeau is a war criminal now.
    The war is against democracy and freedom.

  8. Unfortunately, a lot of people still get their news from state-sponsored media. This is how the Trudeau Liberals–the most corrupt government in Canada's history–have been re-elected twice.

  9. I hope people wake up soon and see that Trudeau is on a binge of grovelling for position on the World Economic Forum. He is spending a fortune of Canadian taxpayers' money to keep his face front-and-center in any–and all–international gatherings of the WEF and especially the International Monetary Fund. His thirst for even more power has become utterly shameless, as he flaunts himself before the international media; and those holders of staggering wealth and power who see Europe as their own private realm. Worse, this shallow, venal man keeps himself in the loop by endlessly spewing garbage about the Russia/Ukraine war, entertaining the rich and powerful in hopes that they soon will let him into their world. His political slime is smearing our country and every individual in it. In the meantime, it is heartening to see True North and its young journalists go after this dangerous automaton with the gusto that I–as a retired 72-year-old journalist–once chased down our own political scumbags here in my own province of Nfld. and Labrador. Our worthless mainstream media has sold itself for a steady supply of government money.


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