Crypto Investor Erik Finman's Warning on Big Tech Tyranny, and Social Credit Systems

Big Tech is bent on pushing a left-leaning agenda, inching us ever closer to a reality where those they disagree with — often conservatives — have their liberties hampered.

Their influence has spread to high echelons of government and continually deeper into our lives as our world becomes more and more integrated with the digital space.

As we’ve seen in the case of the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada, something as simple as banking and purchasing power can be stripped away from citizens in this digital era.

Unfortunately, this problem isn’t bound to Canada, but has cropped up in the United States as well.

Joining us to confront the ugly reality of Big Tech’s ever tightening grip on our lives — on our speech, our politics, and even our commerce — and etch out how we can push back is Etw
rick Finman, an entrepreneur who became a millionaire as a teenager building a multi-million dollar cryptocurrency company.

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8 thoughts on “Crypto Investor Erik Finman's Warning on Big Tech Tyranny, and Social Credit Systems”

  1. Great interview with Erik! He truly is a "great patriot" is doing excellent work. Freedom Phone alone is epic. Sorry to hear they were ambushed by the Establishment. Glad they were able to survive it. Thanks for sharing

  2. We promote repeatable manufacturing in every county.
    Currently corps steal the Velocity of Money back to corp HQs.
    County plan gets Velocity of Money going in the county.

  3. The M2 money supply has exported worthless almost dollars to all nations of the world.
    Going to the Gold Standard fixes our Financial System problem. But we back with Gold only M2 dollars.
    Not Crypto or digital currencies.
    Fix the Financial System first.
    Which all nations can benefit from.
    Then move from there


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