Crimea is Isolated, The Entire Russian Army in the South is in Trouble. No Ammunition, No Supplies

#ukrainewar #ukrainenews #ukraine
Crimea is Isolated, The Entire Russian Army in the South is in Trouble. No Ammunition, No Supplies


13 thoughts on “Crimea is Isolated, The Entire Russian Army in the South is in Trouble. No Ammunition, No Supplies”

  1. Interesting update. Good job Ukraine defenders. God bless. Belarus can say anything …we have heard…and, given its koolaide moments with Putin…lying is Luke breathing.
    I saw the recorded video made by the Polish villagers near the border. We know it's true.

  2. The only thing Putin is worried about is Himself. He doesn't care about anything else. All his people are dying or suffering. All his fault for invading Ukraine. When will the Russian people revolt and get him out. That's all they need to do.

  3. Russia is mobilizing another 500,000 new armed troops to take on Ukraine. Putin is not going to let Ukrainians get too much ahead. Ukraine has to be more prepared to deal with this 500 thousands killers.

  4. PRAISE THE LORD for supporting SWEET UKRAINE DAY TO DAY VICTORY…LORD send more ALLIES TO help and provide more challenging
    Weapons and long range missile to wipe


  5. It was George Santayana, the Philosopher who came out with the quote “Those who do not learn History are forced to repeat it” and another one of his quotes “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” As far as Russia and the rest of the world is concerned Santayana seem to be right on the spot. However, is it that Russia’s history repetition takes a bizarre, macabre and eerie turn on and off. There was the ‘mad monk’ Gregory Rasputin who managed to get him into the royal court and have the ear of Empress Alexandrovna, the Tsar Nicholas’s consort so as to make himself the most powerful man in Russia. Even now, the names of Rasputin and Putin rhymes in a deadly echo ! Has Putin become the avatar of Rasputin ! Where to find a present day Prince Yosupov, who did away with Rasputin ! Even the Russians and the rest of world does not seem to be duly bothered about these strange, macabre happenings. As for “Only the dead have seen the end of war” is quite pertinent to Russia who suffered death tolls amounting to millions due to wars, revolutions and what not. There is a small S.Asian country which has had a 30 year long civil strife costing many lives both soldiers and rebels. However, the rulers and others including certain clergy seem not have reckoned with History repeating itself and still keen to set the country aflame in nationalistic concepts like majority and the minority setting them against each other. Additionally, this country is famous for inherent corruption at every level politicos and otherwise. These countries will never learn and will invariably go down the drain. There seem to be no recourse at all !


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