Could the RARE Northern Lights be a PROPHETIC SIGN!?

Is this rare display of the Northern Lights a prophetic sign?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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30 thoughts on “Could the RARE Northern Lights be a PROPHETIC SIGN!?”

  1. I heard prophecies from a few years ago they would be seen all over the world. That it would preclude many dark supernatural occurrences.
    They are also prophesied to be seen before the three days of darkness

    Time will tell

  2. Its definitely a sign, an eclipse + northern lights being shown in places that they don't normally appear, if God says pay attention to the signs in the heavens, then pay attention, with the state of the world, we are very close to the end of the age & the tribulation period

  3. The master's voice prophecy vlog has had several blogs about this and she said it's the fallen angels getting ready to show themselves. I think we're in the age of deception.

  4. They are not normal! Don’t be deceived for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. This is what Celestial says about them on THE MASTER’S VOICE:


    This prophecy was received Nov. 9, 2020. Thus far it has fulfilled in 2022, 2023, and now again in May 2024. Northern lights have been seen in New York/ New Jersey/ Tri-State area and many other (strange) places for several years in a row, but we all know they don't belong there. They've also been seen across the South & Midwest and TONIGHT Americans were all outside taking photos for social media. PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS SPIRITUALLY.

    It doesn't matter how "pretty" they are, AURORA BOREALIS only belong naturally in a certain part of the world, the freezing parts, the northern hemisphere. Stop believing all this "new science" the lying media is making up to explain worrying things to the population, they are lying to tru & explain things that we have the word of God to already explain.

    "And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Luke 21:25

    Yah said to me years ago, "When the Aurora Borealis begins to appear out of its normal placement that is a signal of the times. The fallen ones are coming closer & soon more supernatural activity will increase worldwide because of them. The more it keeps happening, the closer they are AND THE MORE EVIL SPIRITUAL ACTIVITY WILL INCREASE."

    It's time for us to hear what God is saying & be warned by it.


    Full prophecy: THE SILVER MIST

  5. Yeah , keep eyes on the sky for signs! Just like astrology. Those that demonize it LIKE YOU HAVE. Its only because you havent cleared the negative energy that the entities are able to enter into your frequency thus influence your spirit. There is work to be done before entering into deep depth of the soul. Once you have cleared the deep dark subconscious fears it will allow you to shine your light so bright the frequency of your hearts energy will vibrate too high for the low vibrating entities to enter. They were allowed to scare you straight into the controlled story of The Bible which isnt bad it just means you werent ready for the TRUE STORY OF THE CREATOR. ❤❤❤ My heart my spirit is at peace w/what I have been shown. I will never go back to the created control of Christianity that only gives you PART of the STORY . And if u ask more then whats in it they cant answer. Well God WILL ANSWER AND SHOW YOU THE TRUTH IS WAYYY MORE THAN WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD AND GIVEN TO BELIEVE IS ALL THERE IS. YOU ARE WAYY MORE POWERFUL THEN THE BIBLE WILL EVER TELL YOU. Answer this if God is loving God and never chaging why is he a JEALOUS GOD? WHY DOES HE WANT WAR to fight for ISREAL? How do you burn in hell if your body stays here and you are spirit when spirits cant burn? How come the Bible has been changed fr believing in reincarnation?? The roman catholic church put Bible together yet they worship satan ? Whats wrong w this picture???? The Bible contradicts itself but they say it doesn't. Wake up ppl. God exists but The Bible has been MISINTEREPRETED by the church and those that teach it. Let God teach you the TRUTH. GO WITHIN . YOUR HEART KNOWS BEST! LET IT SPEAK TO YOUR SPIRIT IGNORE THE CARNAL MIND AND BODY. The spirit has never lied it will teach you the truth behind scriptures. Spirit has been around wayyy before the Bible od Jesus ever existed. Jesus is the way to the truth His WAYS NOT HIM …HE says FOLLOW him DO AS HE DID AND MORE. Not worship him ! Let spirit of God guide you when you read scriptures. Forget the crap the church taught u. Read books NOT IN the Bible to find answers to the stuff the churxh doesn't want you to know. Wake up to the TRUTH.

  6. All Abrahamic mind viruses (Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, and all their sects and branches) combined killed over 100 million people. Not to mention all the magnificent pagan temples and shrines burned, looted, and razed to the ground; all the priceless books and artifacts burned or stolen and put underground of Vatican. The violence and evil of Abrahamic mind viruses cannot be denied, excused, or justified.

  7. Angela you are so right in saying the most prepared person is the one who is spiritually prepared. For a while I was prepping (with the Lords leading) and I began to worry and put my faith in those items. I started to want more items to try to save myself. The Lord gave me a dream. And since the dream, I haven’t felt the need to prep anymore.

    In the dream, I was home and one night helicopters came down from the sky. a bunch of men in armor holding guns came into our house through the windows and they had massive vacuums. they vacuumed up every single item in the home, all the furniture, food and every single prep item. they took it all. they took us into custody too. the only thing I had was the word of God in my heart. The only thing I had was my relationship with God. It may come to a point this will be all we have. Christians prepare. Memorize scripture, you need to have a relationship with God, you need to know your Heavenly Father and His word. I don’t know what’s coming, but with God you don’t have to fear what is coming.

    Side note. I truly believe all the prep I have done will not be for me. But for someone who has been left behind. The world is crazy and dark already, but I believe we will be out of here before stuff really really hits the fan.

  8. Look up and see what the moon's doing. The phases are all off. Like what was said about what makes the best prepper.❤️ Love the visual the soft blue underlights are putting out in the video.💙🤍


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