Could a Russia-Nato War Really Happen?

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Tensions between Russia and NATO are once again rising following incendiary comments from Putin and Donald Trump. So in this video we’ll explain how Russia could destabilise Europe and whether a war between NATO and Russia is a genuine possibility.

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39 thoughts on “Could a Russia-Nato War Really Happen?”

  1. I can’t see it maybe in ten years they have been devastated Vladimir Putin and his military weakened all he’s got is nuclear he can threaten but has he got the balls to push the button he knows what wil happen if he does I don’t think people in power in Russia will let him anyway in their best interests and that of the Russian people

  2. Could Russia attack NATO? No. But could NATO attack Russia starting a war? Well, given the ever expanding NATO borders, CIA bases in Ukraine, Western interference in Ukrainian sovereignty, US biolabs in Ukraine, etc…all of which Putin has claimed are a direct confrontation with him, i'd say it's only a matter time before NATO starts a war with Russia.

  3. First 5 sec of video and already disinformation and false claims… Trump said nato must to put more money to military reserve as agreed, if nago cant make sure they are have all the military budget, its their own fault if russia will attacks them… So ashamed to see these chanels blatantly lie to viewers

  4. Lol, Ru has an economy about the size of NY state alone, they are not the USSR of old, they are in a stalemate in Ukraine, lost in Afgan, and can't produce high tech components for hardware. Full on conflict with the brunt of NATO forces would end Ru in weeks.

  5. Ukraine has been losing vast swathes of territory and is slowly shrinking, they're running out of men to fight, they're heavily out-gunned and retreating, and being outproduced by tons.. but go on, tell us more how, "Russia is struggling in Ukraine"…


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